Chapter 27

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"Study camp?" Hanako asked.

"Uh-huh! All the first years of the high school are going to it. When the sun sets, we'll all get together in a group!" Yashiro explained.

"I'm going, too! Since I'm apart of the executive committee." Kou said.

"Wait, really?" Yashiro smiled.

"Yay!" They all high-fived.

"It also gives us more of an advantage to search for Y/n." Kou pointed out, making Hanako stiffen.

"Oh, you're right, Kou! Huh? Hanako what's the matter with you?" Yashiro asked.

"It's nothing." He smiled sheepishly.


Y/n stared out the window, watching as all the first years gathered together. She was pretty bored but wasn't the type to cause mischief around the school.

Mei slept on her lap, biting her hand every time she stopped petting her.

"Heya, Number four.~"

Y/n Didn't have to turn around to know that voice.

"Tsukasa, you come here every day." She sighed, secretly appreciating his company.

"Oh? But you never make me leave..." He pointed out, floating behind Y/n to see what she was looking at.

"A bunch of humans? Oh look, it's that Kannagi girl!" Tsukasa smiled, pointing at Yashiro.

Y/n looked "That girl... she looks so familiar..."

Tsukasa smiled but didn't say anything. He was glad Y/n forgot. He didn't need her remembering those insects that are in his way.


Y/n started roaming the halls after Tsukasa left, curious as to what the whole school looks like. Of course she known what it looked like before but, of course she forgot.

Y/n looked at the ceiling and closed her eyes, continuing to float around the hall that seemed like it wouldn't end.

But suddenly, she bumped into someone.

"Ah! My glasses!"

"I'm so sorry!" She reached down to pick up the glasses.

Just as she was about to hand them to him, she stopped. He couldn't see her. What was the point?


"Huh? Wait... you can..."

"I thought you had changed schools... that's what Yashiro-San said." He said, rubbing his chin and staring at her.

"I'm sorry... you are?" Y/n asked confused, but trying not to sound rude.

"Did you hit your head or something? Ah, whatever. Akane Aoi? We have three classes together?" He said.

"I'm sorry, that's still not ringing a bell." She said.

"Hm... I couldn't see you before you bumped into me... wait don't tell me you're a..."

"You're one too..." She said, pointing at him and handing his glasses back.

"You're strong. I can sense that." She said.

"How... did you even die?" He asked with a sigh as he put his glasses back on.

"Akane... what's your favorite color?" She asked him randomly.

"Well... Ao-chan's favorite color is purple so mine is too! Wait- stop trying to distract me!"

"Aoi!! Where the hell did you go?!" A voice called out, making Akane stiffen.

"Coming! I'll see you later?" He asked.

"I'll be in the art room." She said.

He nodded and started to run off. Did Y/n just make a new/old friend? He was cute... but strange.

"There you are!" A voice said, making Y/n jump.

"Is scaring people a family tradition of some sort?! You and your little brother are always scaring the living-

"No need to be that way! I just wanted to check up on you!" Hanako sighed, floating behind Y/n and placing his hands on her shoulders.

She hits him, making him pout.

"Aren't you like 60+ years old? Stop acting like some sort of toddler." She smirked.

"Careful, you may hurt my feelings!" He said, wiping away a fake tear.

Y/n rolled her eyes and was about to say something but something else caught her attention.

She peeks her her head out from behind the door and sees a bunch of people making some type of basket made from bamboo. Suddenly, a girl that had unusually thick ankles ran out of the room.

Y/n stared in confusion.

"I... remember something." Y/n suddenly said, making Hanako stare at her blankly.

"What is it?" He asked, now resting his chin on her head.

"I used to... observe someone make those. Someone close to me..." She said.

"Well, look at that!" He smiled, taking his hands off her shoulders and holding her hands in his.

"That's a start!"

No. 4| Out in the rain book IIजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें