Chapter 23

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Y/n gagged, the taste of blood still lingering in her mouth.

" Mei, why'd you do that!?" She asked as she continued to choke.

" It's simple, really. My time as the fourth wonder is up. And if you live as a lowly spirit, your bound to be exorcised soon." She explained.

" Now your the fourth wonder! This is your boundary!" She smiled at Y/n.

" Let's see... that name of yours, it's no name for an apparition. What shall I name you? Tsuktakai? Amanai? No wait! That's to close No. 7's real name. But they call him Hanako-san, right? Ah! What about Akami?" She asked, a smile still plastered on her face.

" Why are you trying to rename me?" Y/n asked.

" Because! If we get your rumor going,  then everyone is gonna know you as " Y/n of the art room" and we can't have that!"

" Oh. Do I still have to be one of the seven wonders?" Y/n asked.

" Mhm. You don't want to be exorcised by the student council president, right? We won't have to worry about the little brother though, Besides, he's fond of you and not much of a threat." She smiled, setting her sketch book on the table.

" Does that mean... I can't go back to the broadcasting room? That I can't see Sakura, Tsukasa, or Natsuhiko anymore?" She asked.

" I mean, it's not like I'm forbidding you from seeing them. However, you wouldn't want them finding out your one of the seven wonders. That kanagai girl especially..." She said.

" How do I keep them from finding out?" She asked.

" Hmm... 'be mysterious!' is all I have to tell you!" Mei smiled, picking up her sketchbook again.

She then drew a sketchbook inside of it and pulled it out the paper.

" I can write on the same piece of paper since whatever I draw comes to life! Cool, right?" She smiled, handing Y/n the fresh sketchbook.

" But... I'm terrible at drawing." She looked down at the book.

" Nonsense! Try drawing in it." She smiled.

Y/n sighed and opened the book. Mei handed her a pencil as she drew a cat looking figure.

" Oh my..." She looked down at it.

" See. I told you." Y/n said, handing her back the book.

Mei then started drawing another sketchbook in her own, though this time she took a little longer.

" Here!" She said, pulling it out.

" I told you-

" Just try drawing in it! Anything! It doesn't matter what it looks like!" She smiled.

Y/n looked at her before opening this sketchbook and drawing it it. She drew the same weird looking figure that was supposed to be a cat.

She then tried pulling it out the drawing, only surprised when it was an actual cat.

" Huh!?" She held the brown cat in her arms.

" I fixed your sketchbook! Now its like autocorrect on a cellphone. Only, it fixes drawings instead of words." Mei explained.

" Hey, Mei." Y/n said, looking at the cat and petting its fur.

" Hm? What is it?" Mei smiled.

" Are you gonna leave this art room and disappear since you aren't the fourth wonder anymore?" Y/n asked sadly.

" Huh? Of course not! You think I'd leave my precious art room to your grubby hands? You can have my position, but we share the art room now!" She smiled, flicking Y/n in the forehead.

" Oh. Alright then." She smiled, holding the cat and sketchbook close to her.

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