Y/N - again noona. Seriously.

Suzy - hey we didn't fuck alright? I know you're saving your first time for someone.

Y/N - how about you? You go out and fuck guys often?

She looks at me, flustered at my question.

Suzy - n- no. I'm still a vir-

I stop her, shaking my head

Y/N - alright I get it. How are you 29 and single?

Suzy - yah! I'm fucking trying can you see?

Y/N - you fucking made out with me last night, you told me nothing would change!

Suzy - and nothing did! Okay!?

She gets up out of the countertop, putting the chopsticks on the island as she walks over to me half naked in her underwear

Suzy - look at me would you?

I looked to the ground, a bit angry but I wasn't one to be angry at all usually.

Suzy - look at me.

I look at her, our eyes connecting.

Her soft tender hand caressed my skin, her eyes as being honest as they always were.

Suzy - I meant it okay? Nothing changes between us. We're still friends. It's what matters alright?

Y/N - I know noona. *sighs*

I ease up my tense shoulders, accepting her touch.

Y/N - sorry.

Suzy - it's fine. You're just frustrated. I know what happened between you and Belle was just- you just didn't expect it okay?

My eyes remained on her soft gaze, just feeling comforted by her touch once more.

Suzy - I'm basically your older sister at this point, who else would you go to for this type of shit?

Y/N - my actual older sister.

We both softly smile at each other, making me hug her

Y/N - I'm sorry again.

Suzy - it's fine. Just listen okay? Go make it up to her. It's what matters right now, apologise or hear her out. Either works fine, I won't be here when you get back but just know I got you.

Y/N - thank you noona.

Suzy - fuck off with that noona shit. Just call me Suzy would you? We already had our tongues in each other's mouths.

I laugh, letting go of her as I grabbed the satchel and lunchboxes from the island

Suzy - you not going to eat?

Y/N - nah, I'll grab something on the way

Suzy - eat will you? I know you don't eat alot but eat, breakfast is important.

Y/N - I will Suze, don't worry.

Suzy - and now since we're more comfortable, give me a kiss on the damn lips. Mommy craves physical touch.

I go up to her, giving her a quick kiss before she slaps me on my butt

Suzy - go get the big bucks.

Y/N - You too, I'll see you when I see you

Suzy - see ya

We both smiled at each other while I walked out the door. The morning sun hitting my eyes again.

Y/N - fucking christ.

I guess being in Korea made me a bit more vulgar in my language which wasn't something I really did back home but I guess, I feel more comfortable in my skin.

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