Oil Up My Gears Baby

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"Finley can you help me with something?"

The oily hot bara fish man turned to look down at his robot boyfriend, "What is it?"

"That girl with the bat hit me extra hard today and now my gears feels out of place. In order for me to function at my fullest potential it needs to be fixed."

"I'll see what I can do." Finley opened up the panel on the back of P3-NG. He examined the gears and wires inside of him and reached his hand in. There were multiple gears out of place that needed readjusting.

He moved his finger to try to fix one of the gears but it wouldn't budge.

"P3-NG I might have to use my oil. Is that ok?"

"Yes. I'll find someway to clean it later."

"Alright... here goes." The oil secreted out of his finger and onto the gear. P3-NG twitched a little, as nobody had ever touched his gears like this before.

"This is harder than I thought." Finley muttered, his fingers moved in between the ridges of the gear as he applied more oil to it in an attempt to put it back into place.

"Finley I think I..." P3-NG tried to come up with words for what he was feeling, "I-Is this what humans call... pleasure? Because if so then I like it."

"Wait this... this makes you aroused?" Finley moved his oily fingers into the ridges of his gears once more, but this time he gained a moan out of the robot.

"I did not mean to.. to make that noise. I think I'm... m-malfunctioning."

Finley smirked a little, "I'm gonna make you malfunction all night P3-NG..."

"I-I would like that Finley."


"Finley, care to explain why P3-NG can't walk and just keeps saying "more oil please"?" Christoph raised his eyebrows at him.

"It's a long story..."

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