Once the boys successfully ran us into the ocean, they threw us into the water, and we disappeared beneath a wave. We were about waist deep into the water, so I sat up and quickly pulled Rowan by the arm into the water too. Este was trying to push Matt down into the water, but he was forcing himself down and trying his hardest not to budge. Eventually, she knocked him over and he fell with a splash.

"That was so uncalled for!" I voiced to Rowan, trying to hold back a laugh, but failing.

"But yet, you're laughing." He grinned hard.

"It's all about the element of surprise." Matt added. "Este loved it."

Este tackled him into the water after that, and Rowan and I laughed at them.

Eventually we all swam further out, and were neck deep in the ocean facing each other. I loved being in the ocean everyday.

Under the water, Rowan wrapped his arm around my waist where no one could see. I looked over to him and his face looked like he though it was the funniest thing, without laughing. I tried to stuff my grin.

"What's your ideas for today, Este?" Matt asked her, putting his arm around her shoulder.

"I was thinking we could get tacos later, hang out on the pier, go for drive through town, something like that. What do you guys think?"

"Sounds perfect." Rowan nodded.

We all agreed, and I grew excited.

"And then guess what?" Este continued.

We all watched her and waited for what she was going to say.

"My parents are working late at the office tonight then going out to dinner." Este looked over to me. "That means no curfew, Lena. No super early one anyway."

I looked to Rowan as she said that. He nodded at me.

"That also means you're taking me somewhere tonight." Este kissed Matt on the cheek.

"I'd love to." He smiled.

We stayed out in the ocean a while longer, then Rowan and I returned to shore to lie out a while. It was always us being the ones to do that early. I did it because it I always found it hard to be doing the same thing for a certain amount of time. Rowan loves the ocean probably more than anything, so I'm sure he just leaves to stay with me.

We were sitting in the sand close to each other, watching the waves and Matt and Este messing around in the distance.

"So, about last night," Rowan started, then trailed off. I looked at him a while and didn't saying anything, wanting him to finish. "I really care about you, Eileen, and I think you're so special."

I chuckled, and he paused. He was so nervous. I put my hands on top of his.

"Don't be nervous. I just want you too."

"So maybe we can do this? If you're ready, I mean?"

I gave him a warm smile. "I think we can. But just know that I'm trying." A grin grew across his face.

I wanted his lips on mine again so badly, especially right now. I couldn't stop staring at his. Rowan seemed to have been thinking of the same thing, since he looked into my eyes, then down at my lips. He started to lean in, but I beat him to it, connecting our lips. Our kiss was soft and gentle, but said so many words that only we could understand. We pulled apart, and Rowan tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"So, does this late curfew mean you're all mine tonight?" Rowan asked.

"It does, if you want me." I teased.

It all Comes in Waves: The Solitary Joy of the OceanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang