"Let's go."

He heard Tecchou nod his head, and the two quietly made their way out of there hotel room and into the hallway. The pair quickly walked over to the hotel room of the businessmen, Tecchou took a quick glance around to make sure no one was there (Even though Jouno couldn't hear anyone), then gave Jouno a nod. Jouno rarely used his ability, but in times like these (Or this morning) it was surprisingly useful. He disintegrated through the door, into the hotel room, and then unlocked the door to let Tecchou inside. Once Tecchou walked in, he instantly started searching for this document, according to Fukuchi there was a couple folders of documents. The one they were looking for was in the back of one of the folders, there job was to figure out which one it was. They had roughly around an hour to find it, Jouno couldn't exactly help since he couldn't see, so instead he stayed near the balcony just in case the businessmen came back early. He already had a rough idea of what their voices and heartbeats sounded like, so it wouldn't be too difficult to figure out when they came back. He also knew they drove a very fancy car, so figuring out which car was theres wouldn't be much of a challenge ether. Five minutes turned into ten and ten turned to twenty, Tecchou still seemed to be searching for the paper in the numerous folders he found.

"Have you found it yet?"

"No there's so many folders."

Jouno sighed, "Can you maybe speed this up a little, we don't have all day."

"I don't want to mess up the order the files are in, that'll make it look suspicious."

Jouno was surprised, Tecchou actually said something smart for once. The sound of a loud engine alerted his ears, he quickly placed his ear on the balcony door to get a better listen. From what he could hear, there was some type of car heading towards the hotel, he could tell the car was expensive and fast. He swore if the businessmen came back early, he was going to lose his mind.

"Tecchou does that car out there look like the one the businessmen drive?"

Tecchou lifted his head up and walked towards the window, "Um yeah it kinda does."

"Shit why are they back so early?!" Jouno yelled.


"Shut up! Have you found the document yet?"

"No, I think I'm close though."

"Shit well we need to do something!!"

"Maybe you should go down there and cause some sort of distraction, I'll try to find the document while you do that."

Jouno pondered it for a second, what other choice did he have. "Fine but if you hear them coming up, hide on the balcony or something and make sure you close the curtains, so they don't see you."

"And if I find the document in time?"

"Uh, just go to our room and wait for me. If you're not in there then I'll go outside, and you better be on the balcony if I do."

"Got it."

For the 3rd time today Jouno used his ability (God he was getting tired of using it) to get all the way to ground floor in matter of seconds. Once he was down there, he could hear, what he assumed to be a paparazzi, asking the businessmen questions, and taking photos of them (He knew they were famous but not that famous). It did give Tecchou a few extra minutes, so he wasn't complaining. He was hidden behind a wall, waiting for the group to come in, suddenly he heard the businessmen rush inside. Luckily the paparazzi or whoever, weren't allowed in the hotel, so Jouno didn't have to hear there yelling or the clicking of their cameras. The group slowly started making their way towards the elevator, until some guy in the lobby shouted something about wanted an autograph, which gave Tecchou another minute, to find the document (He didn't even need to distract them, the work was being done for him). He decided it was time to make a move, once he heard the businessmen finish giving out autographs. He swiftly moved behind them and made his way to the same elevator they were going to. He didn't exactly know what he was going to do as a distraction, so he was basically winging this. When he got inside, he could hear 3 heartbeats and smelled an overwhelming scent of perfume coming from one of the people. He stood there and realized he couldn't see the button on the elevator, well he knew that him and the businessmen where on the same floor, but he planned to go to a lower floor (So he could buy Tecchou more time).

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