Jeweled Beetle

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The past few weeks have been hectic with missions being thrown at you left and right with barely a day's rest until the next one. That being said you were extremely relieved when you had gotten word you’ve been given at least a few days to rest. You bow in thanks to the Lady then exit the office with a content smile on your face.

Walking back to your apartment you notice more vendors open than usual thanks to the beautiful weather today, which reminds you that you need to buy more groceries. So you turn into the market and begin your search for fresh greens. The atmosphere was lively with familiar vendors greeting you with smiles. You walk up to your favorite vendors’ stall and greet the nice older lady with a smile. “Hello grandma Akii” She turns around from refilling a basket of green onions, her face lights up at the sight of you. “Y/n! I haven’t seen you in so long, where have you been?” She waddles up to you and gives you the best hug she could, you lean down and hug her in return. “I’ve been working hard on keeping the village safe.” you say.
She leans back and pinches your cheek. “Then I can't be mad.” She chuckles out. Your face scrunches up at the pain of the pinch. You chuckle and lean back and notice her walking towards the stacks of baskets full of veggies and begins to fill a decent sized bag up with things ranging from lettuce to potatoes. Knowing what she's gonna do you begin to protest. “Please no, Akii. You give me plenty of freebies already.” As you begin to raise your hand to decline her offer she places the bag into your hand and forces your hand shut. She brings a finger up to her lips to hush you, “Hush, this is for all of the hard work you do.” She taps the back of your arm to tell you to let it be. You sigh in defeat as you know you can't stand a chance against her when it comes to accepting money. After bowing deeply in thanks you turn to travel deeper into the market.

The day goes by in what feels like a blink of an eye as you notice the sun begins to lower in the sky. With arms full of groceries you begin to make your way back home. You make your way out of the market and slow your pace to take in the beauties of the village in the evening, the kids playing ninja, the older residents watering their plants, the chirping of the birds, and how the shine of the golden hour is layering everything with a honey golden glow. Your eyes are held in place with awe as you admire the mountains’ engravings of past hokage’s portraits.

While your eyes are distracted you turn a corner and run into someone, causing you to drop a majority of your groceries. “I’m sorry.” You blurted out immediately. You kneel down to pick up the fallen groceries then look up to the person before you and notice it’s Shino. Your tense and apologetic demeanor relaxes as you see the familiar face. “Oh, hi Shino.” His furrowed brows noticeably released some tension from the recognition. “Y/n, hello.” He returns the greeting and kneels down to help you with the mess. “So what are you doing out?” You ask. “My father asked if I could bring home some groceries we had forgotten to buy before.” He responds. The both of you stand up and he hands the remainder of the groceries back to you and picks his own back up. “I was wondering,” you start off, “if you’re free later, I’d wanna hang out with you.” There was a pause.. “I’m free.” Knowing Shino you were expecting a polite decline saying he was busy or something, so there was a slight surprise when you heard his response. You figured he noticed when he raised an eyebrow at you. You scratch the back of your neck and look around for a moment. “What would you like to do?” He adds on. “I’m not really sure, I was just gonna walk around for a while, but since I ran into you I thought it’d be nice if we'd do something together.” You confess. He lets out an acknowledging hum. “I have an idea in mind, I’ll visit you when I’m ready.” He says. You smile and nod as you begin to walk past him to make your way back home.

When you get home you swiftly put your groceries away to allow yourself to have more than enough time to get cleaned up and ready. A knock was heard at the front door while you’re in the bathroom trying to put your hair up in a low ponytail. “One moment!” You shout out in hopes that he can hear you from behind the front door. After rushing your ponytail you walk over to the front door and open it to see Shino standing there patiently while holding a familiar insect carrier. “I think I know what you wanna do,” You chuckle, “let me go put a hoodie on then.” You step to the side, inviting him inside to temporarily shelter him from the chilled breeze outside that you can only hope goes away before you head out. You speed back to your bedroom and pick out the hoodie closest to you. It was an older, oversized one but one of your favorites. After spraying a single pump of perfume, being extremely considerate of Shino, you make your way back to the front door. You guys exit the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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