Chapter 4: A Fucking Break

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"Can-Can you slow down a lit-tle?"

 ZigZag's hips were moving so fast that I couldn't catch my breath which was already difficult enough with the rec room generator lodged against my stomach. He groaned softly as he continued the same rabbit-like pace, his dull nails digging into my hips.

" Can't...close" the tall boy muttered before hastily pulling out and cumming on my ass.

 I let out a sigh, whether of relief that it was over or disappointment about the shitty experience, was anyone's guess. He panted loudly as I heard him begin to zip up his jumpsuit. I stood up and looked down at my stomach, noticing the indentation and bruising from the generator. I gently slide my fingers against it and winced at the slight sting that came afterward.

" Pretty good, right?" Zig-zag asked in a cocky manner. 

I rolled my eyes and pulled my shorts up, grimacing as I felt the sticky fluid now stuck between my skin and the orange fabric.

" My stomach is bruised, I have your drying jizz stuck to my ass and I didn't cum. What do you think?"

His demeanor changed and he lightly grabbed my arm as I was zipping up my jumpsuit.

" Let me make it up to you, we still got time" the green-eyed boy responded. 

Usually, I'd be all over the idea of him fingering me but today, I just wasn't in the mood.

 "No I'm alright. I gotta get back-". 

He pulled me towards him by my arms and cut me off mid-sentence causing me to frown up at him, his eyes burning holes through me. My stomach was tying itself in knots as panic and anger swirled inside me.

" Why not? I'm just tryin' to do somethin' nice for ya' "

My frown turned into a scowl as I motioned to the way ZigZag was tightly gripping my skin.

" This right here isn't very nice. I appreciate the fact that you want to do that for me but no means no fucker"

I ripped myself out of his hold with a huff, my guard now up in case he tried to grab me a second time.

" Touch me like that again and I promise you, I'll knock your teeth down your throat" I spat out before making my way out from behind the Rec.

It'd been a day or two since then and I haven't acknowledged him though I know he deeply wants me to. This was the only true way I could punish Zigzag for grabbing me the way he did. 

If I tried going to any "adult" with this issue then I'd end up getting kicked out, I'm sure of it. I've heard the other counselors whisper, wondering why the Warden had allowed me to stay and how I'm on thin ice since I'm such a distraction to the guys. I couldn't risk it plus I ignored him so subtlety that no one noticed except for him and Hector.

 I didn't share what happened with him either knowing that if I did...Zig would end up in the hospital and he'd got more time here. I told my brother that we just got into an argument over the TV, a common occurrence in the REC room. That seemed to appease him but it oddly enough, didn't relieve the tense feeling in my chest.

A few days later, I was walking back from digging when I looked to my left and my soul almost jumped out of my body at the sight of at least 17 lizards in one hole. There were so many in there that some were stacked on top of each other. I wondered if they would just continue to pile until the venomous creatures reached the main ground level.

 I shivered slightly at just the thought but I still couldn't pull myself away from it. It felt similar to when a car crash happens and people hold up traffic to stare at the accident. They didn't seem to have a problem with me watching, simply basking in the scorching Texas sun.

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