Chapter XXXII

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The night was filled with the whistles and howls of the winds. The rain drops knocked on the windows of the comfort room. It came charging from the greyish clouds above that lit up with the lightnings.

Aquila stared at the shiny sink as the water poured and turned to its rounded mold. His hands could feel the smooth surface of the lavender as it rested his hands beside the sink. He slowly moved his head to the mirror in front of him.

His reflection's green eyes held a million reflections of himself, below his furrowed eye brows carrying the wrinkles on his forehead. It was shadowed by the dark signs of his tiredness through the years. His hair contained storm clouds, with the darkest shade of grey, slithering on every wavy strand as he stared blankly upon his face.

The thoughts in his mind scrambled into order in an instant. They were barely felt with nothing, like it was just some data waiting to be translated by his emotions. But it was mixed with something, he could feel it  but barely understand. It was some kind of uneasiness, though he isn't sure if the uneasiness came from 'it,' or it came from the feeling that came with the thought that he was oblivious to what it is.

A lightning flashed upon his face, resetting the flow of his thoughts. The thunder came after as he expected. He followed with it with his smirk, barely having its mouth's ends rise. He began thinking that even the heavens, the place where all man had once looked up to, at least once, finds the time to scream.

He took a deep breath as his hands tightened the knot his dark gray tie, barely shining to the bathroom light as its end slid down unseen underneath his black coat. The collars of his black shirt grew closer as he released the knot from his fingers. He later turned to the smooth surface of his black leather shoes, inspecting every inch up from its buckle up to its pointy tip for any speck of dust. He felt a sense of relief as he turned for the door.

He entered a room that was illuminated by light bolting through the ripples of water underneath a pair glass floors clenching three rows of smooth black tiles in between. There was a round table at the exact center of the room covered by a black velvet sheet and surrounded by three black chairs, one occupied and evenly distanced from each other. The dark storm was speaking with barely heard roars as it loomed and hovered above the glass ceiling.

He pulled the seat lined with the black tiles and sat down without making the slightest sound. He turned to the other and gave him a nod, "Good evening Fritz," he said. His voice was fairly and pleasantly raucous.

Fritz nodded to him back and casually waved a hello, while the white sleeves became more visible as he did. The winter encased in his down turned eyes sparkled as its end crinkled with a smile. It complimented his midnight blue suit covering his white shirt and the black tie wrapped around his neck. His lightly dark face barely changed beneath his untidy, loose, curly hair. It didnt have any wrinkle nor any punishment from time. "Eu-eu said we could start if we wanted to," he said with a silvery voice.

He closed his eyes as he gently shook his head, "The food might grow cold when she arrives."

"Not a problem to anyone," he said and smiled as he slouched on his chair and crossed his legs.

His elbows were placed and arched on the table, arching on the plate below it as his fingers locked above his upper lip. "How is your wife and the children?"

"Doing very well, Yuki's still hot as ever," he chuckled as he answered.

"How about your twins, Luceille and Lucid?"

His mouth arched invertedly and shook his head gently, "Growing up very fast."

He closed his eyes again, "That's very good to hear," he said.

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