chapter 1"they are too much like their mothers"

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Their Chief Burns stood holding the hand of one of his children the other hand holding his youngest looking at the grave of his now deceased wife on the gravestone at red"a loving mother and a great friend and an amazing wife"he was trying his hardest to fight back tears Jake walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder "she will be missed"he said "I know"Charlie replied"I just wish I could have done something"he was trying as hard as the fight back tears"there's things all of us wish we could go back and undo but sometimes you just got to let life take its course"Jake replied now holding a sleeping solar Charlie sighed before he spoke again"we can't have any more funerals doing way too much damage"Jake understood what he meant this was the 5th funeral he had to go to and this one he really did have to go too"I can't make a promise I can't keep you know that"Jake said as you looked him dead in the eyes suddenly Harmony Phoenix walked up Charlie looked at her"I do believe this would be a good gift to give the youngest once he's old"she's still going to motherly gets Stern voice as she handed him a blue crystal necklace"thank you"he said

(Time skip)

Kade, Dani, Graham, and solar slightly older but this time it was solar he was standing in front of a grave she was in tears and she clutched a red crystal necklace close to her heart Dani was was giving her a side hug like Graham and Kade at their hands on her shoulder"how.... How did this happen"Jake said Charlie walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder"I don't know how this happened but right now solar needs someone and you got to be that someone"he said the rest of the Phoenix family walked up to Jake crowded around him everyone knew it was hard for him but they also knew that was harder for little girl that was standing in front of the grave after the ceremony along with the rest of the Burns children except for Cody along with solar stood there for an hour more soon they all parted ways I went home solar and Jake would often visit the burns one day why they visited Cody and solar were mostly just playing"they're growing up to be too much like them"Jake said with a pale face as he looked at the two"I know they're starting to be too much like their moms"Charlie said"they both inherited many things from their moms but you too must make sure they stay on the right track"Harmony added both of them nodded their heads

(Time skip)

Kade came running into the firehouse nearly slipping on the wet water but keeping a letter dried"we got mail!............ow"he groaned as he got up"you get me all the time what's so important about this one?"heatwave asked as he got off his training platform Dani snatch the letter away from Kade "because it's from our aunt Ellie!"she said excited"oh and Cody you got a letter from solar"she added as she handed Cody envelope he quickly opened it up"huh?"he said"it's like a poem or a riddle"he added as he opened it up"a special surprise waits for you at the reunion do you think you'll find it it's quite the speed"he read aloud the letter his face lit up as he thought what the present was"seems we've been invited to the family reunion"Charlie said as you read the letter from Ellie"all the family is going to be there"Chase who was slightly intrigued by this asked"who is Ellie and what is a family reunion?"(I can honestly picture the bots not knowing what a family reunion is is that sad I think that's sad)"family reunion is basically where ants ,uncles ,and cousins all come to visit each other"Cody answer this question"too bad we can't join you guys"Boulder said"that is where you are wrong"optimist told him and that's when he started to train them on how to master a human form soon they got to the family reunion and of course the bots were introduced each of them having a human name

(Cliffhanger hehe I shall add the bots names are in the second chapter what do you think the gift is solar has for Cody and how did you enjoy this please tell me I would like to know your thoughts on this I'm trying to get all the stories that are in my head out of my head so don't be surprised if a whole heap of more stories pop up goodbye oh and the necklace is basically a red version of the one at the top)

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