Starvation Perfection: Part 1

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Universe: P0 - R0300Y

Status: Under surveillance

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Timeline: Y2 V4

Last day of the 2nd exam on the uninhabited island.

"So, how is your analysis going, Ayanokouji-kun?" asked Tsukishiro.

The fight had only begun just over two minutes ago. In that time, I had assessed a variety of ideas, but so far, none of them had proved to be decisive.

"This fight would have been easier if we simply traded blows like children, trying to take each other down with brute force alone, no?" he said. "However, we adults do not hesitate to adopt the best possible measures to avoid losing, you see. Even if those measures are unrefined and by no means what people might consider 'cool'."

Tsukishiro had read 99 percent of my thoughts. His fighting style was precise and without indecision, and he didn't allow his own thoughts to be read. Or rather, I supposed I should say that while he did let me read his thoughts, he wasn't showing me the truth. In any case, I wasn't going to be able to make a decisive move in this current situation. At this rate, things were going to just get worse and worse for me; it seemed that I was going to need to take on a sizeable risk to make a difference in this situation.

I looked at the two people in front of me, without letting my guard down at any time. My senses detected a slight noise, indicating that someone else was near here.

'Looks like my trump card has finally arrived'

I looked in the direction of the noise, where the person I've been waiting for should appear.


"Were you expecting someone else, Sempai~?"

One of the people I least expected made an appearance in the middle of our little fight.

'I guess with this I can confirm that she was the White Room student.'

Amasawa walked to Shiba and Tsukishiro's side, I could see her giving me a mocking smile in the process.

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