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"January 12th 2011, Age 22

It isn't special it's just sad, because you know you have the option yet you still choose to get hurt. "

"Alright ladybug is that the toy you wanna take?" Estella questioned her daughter as she gathered her essentials into her bag. Sunday had fast approached the pair and they were getting ready to head out.

"Mhm" Alana nodded content with her decision to take her box of fairies.

"Walking?" She asked as she located the stroller waiting by the door. The little brunette wanting the independence but not quite there yet.

"It's gonna be a long day so we'll take the stroller but you can walk if you hold my hand" Stella nodded, happy to let the three year old burn some energy as long as she was behaving.

She packed the fairies as well as ositio into the basket of the stroller before checking her bag one more time. Lana's drink, back up outfit, phone, keys, wallet, emergency snack.

With a final once over of the house, the pair where out the house and headed to the New York subway.

"You gotta sit when we go to the train okay?" Stella reminded the three year old, who was walking contently at her side.

"I walk" The brunette nodded.

"Mhm until we get to the train Lana, it get busy" She reminded her little girl who sometimes acted twice her age.

It was a little over half an hour to get from their little apartment to the nursing home, they visited every weekend.

"Tell abuela it's Lana?" The three year old asked like she did most weeks.

"We'll see mi amor, abuela gets confused sometimes remember?" She replied gently causing the little blonde to pout.

"But it's okay, I'm sure she'd love for you to show her your fairies" Estella tried to lighten the mood.

Claudia had been at Elderhaven Residence for a little over a year now, and it that time, Estella had witnessed both the challenges and blessings of having her grandmother in the care home. Prior to Claudia's move, Estella had been her primary caregiver, living in the small flat with the mother daughter duo, if it was up to Stella she would have her grandmother living with her forever. But, as Alana grew older the demands of looking after both her child and grandmother became overwhelming on most days. On more than one occasion Claudia had tried to leave the house, turn on the cooker and forget it was on, as well as wander the streets aimlessly till being found by a neighbour who then would alert Estella. The fear of Claudia harming herself or causing an accident, sighed heavily everyday on Estella's mind, and ultimately was the deciding factor in moving her into Elderhaven Residence.

Elderhaven was the perfect place for Claudia providing her a sanctuary and a place where she could received the specialised care she required, while maintaining a sense of independence that the older woman craved. The care home was nestled admits tranquil surroundings on the outskirts of the city, with well-tended gardens and inviting communal spaces. As much as it hurt Estella to accept defeat on looking after her grandmother, she knew Claudia was safe here, and above all she knew she was happy. The younger girl found solace in the peaceful ambiance of the residence.

The facilities vibrant program offered a variety of activities and events tailored to each residents interests and abilities. From art therapy sessions to musical performances, Claudia eagerly participated on days where she was lucid, finding joy and meaningful connections amongst other residents. Elderhaven also had 24 hour round the clock care, so Estella didn't have to worry if Claudia had taken her meds or not, if she had eaten or not, if she was harming herself or not. Estella knew she was safe.

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