A 100% Totally NOT GAY Sleepover

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Rainy days in the mist... you either love them or hate them.

Sometimes the mist would have these periods of time where it would just rain for whoever knows how long. There would be no rounds during this period of time, which meant the survivors and killers could do what they want. Almost all the survivors loved it, and the Kiara who wasn't dead always kept them entertained.

Nobody knows why the mist does this. Perhaps it gets bored and wants to change things up. Maybe it likes to see how the survivors and killers interact. Whatever the reason, it didn't matter. It's not like it was something to complain about, as it gave the survivors a good amount of time to rest.

Cole didn't know how the heck this even happened. Ye-jun had barged into his cabin, stepped on his tail and practically dragged him out into the rain. When asked why he so rudely interrupted his sleep Ye-jun simply replied with, "I wanted to spend time with you, that's all." That brought the tiniest blush on Coles face. Fortunately Ye-jun didn't seem to notice it. And just like that a few hours had passed by.

Climbing trees and playing in the mud left the two exhausted. There was just one thing they forgot.

How would they find their way back to their cabins?

"We're lost." Ye-jun sighed, taking Coles hand and leading him to an area with less trees. The mist was hard to navigate. Some sections of the forest had trees spread out evenly while other parts of the forest were so dense you could get lost in it forever. "Yeah we're lost because you led us in the wrong direction."

"Like you were of any help either?" He smirked, awaiting Coles response and giving him a "you know I'm right" look. Cole didn't say anything and simply rolled his eyes.

The two had been walking for a while when all of a sudden they saw something in the distance. A cabin.

"Let's hope that isn't Lawrence's cabin." Ye-jun remarked, his mouth feeling dirty at even saying that guys name. Nobody and I mean nobody liked Lawrence. Even Alexei, the guy who bombed hundreds of people doesn't like that man.

Ye-jun knocked on the door and felt relieved when Taliyah was the one who opened it. "Well if it isn't my favorite midget" He grinned as he leaned down to ruffle her hair. Taliyah laughed and pushed Ye-juns hand away playfully. She looked at Cole and smirked. "I see you brought your boyfriend with you?" Ye-jun blushed a little and flicked the short girls forehead with his finger. "Will that joke ever get old to you?"

"Nope." Kiara answered, coming out of the ground in a pool of blood and catching the idol and the wolf by surprise. "Anyway, what brings you two here?"

"We got lost while wandering in the forest."

"Yeah that's pretty obvious." Kiara said, noticing how Coles fur was dripping with mud and Ye-jun was soaking too. "You guys can stay with us for the night."

"But don't make a mess in here." Taliyah glared at the two and they both took their shoes off. Cole shook out his fur before coming inside. The cabin was pretty neat, there was two twin beds which faced each other. The small table had a plate of sugar cookies and an opened jar of frosting. Kiara offered Ye-jun some cookies, which he politely declined. He sat on the floor, waiting for Cole to get out of the shower so he could clean himself up.

While waiting he joined Taliyah and Kiara in the dumbest board game in existence (Candyland). Ye-jun picked the green person for his game piece, which was fitting for him. He picked a card and moved his person five spaces. "So.." Kiara grabbed a card and moved her person a few squares ahead of his, "Do you like Cole?"

A 100% Totally NOT GAY SleepoverWhere stories live. Discover now