Chapter One: Shopping, The Bus And The Night Light

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"Are you super, super excited?" "Uh..." I couldn't reply, she grab's my arm forcefully and dragged me away from my cousin, I looked over my shoulder and she mouthed, 'Good luck bro' I gave her the death stare as Amy drag's me into her house.

"I am going to curl your hair, it's going to look amazing! And then I can-" "Woah, woah, woah! Um... let's uh... go shopping! You like shopping, right?!" I tried to remove her grip, "Oh my gosh! We can go and find you some pink shoes! Then we can be twins!"

Oh god... 

She then drag's me out of her house, and I we stand at a bus stop, and kept talking about some television show where a guy is cheating on this girl, I dunno, I mostly just watch Sherlock Holmes or Criminal Minds, none of this damn teenage bull shit.

"Bus!" she jump's up and down, waving madly at the bus... did she take something that I don't know about? She drag's me onto the bus and I turn bright red, damn... I turned and tried to hide my face from some kid's at my old school.

Amy drag's me to some seat's and the kid's giggled and sent me some look's, I sigh and stared at of the window as Amy chatted on and on about this television show, then the bus went into gear and it drove crazily fast (like alway's) down the road.

You see, i'm here in Melbourne because i'm on holiday, so are the rest of my family, and we all just go down to Melbourne to visit our Nana's and catch up each other, though most of cousins do live here, there are my family, Britt, Daniel's and Michael's family and Uncle Cole's twin's that don't live here.

One of my Nana's though, doesn't drive, so we catch the bus everywhere... which is traumatising.

The bus jammed their brakes on and everyone sat comfortably, besides me... I banged my head on the seat in front of me, "Damn..." I huffed and rubbed my forehead. Amy laugh's, "You're so silly! And cute! You did that just so those guy's would look at you in pity, didn't you?" she give's me a cheeky grin.


I looked over to see some guy's who look to be thirty or so... is she mad?

I shake my head as she start's whispering to me about me and thinking of idea's of getting those guy's 'Attention' I rolled my eyes, please, i'm pretty sure I don't want to find myself on a 'Victims' list anywhere.

And you're talking pretty loud, and everyone's gone quiet and listening to her... ugh...

I turned and looked out of the window, and frowned, what the...

I stared at the car with black tinted window's, weird. It's like, someone's staring at me, I stared at the window- that, or i'm just being a creeper and staring through people's window's again. Yeah, that sound's about right.

I frowned, seeing a slight shadow move behind it, weird... Then the bus pull's away and I grabbed onto the seat in front of me, bloody hell, don't they have speed camera's here or something?!

I sighed and then just sat there as Amy continued talking... and talking... and she just talked some more.

"Come on! We're at the mall!" she scream's, literally, I jumped out of my skin and almost hit my head on the window, bloody hell woman.

She then grab's me and drag's me out of the bus and into a shopping centre, and straight into a girl store...

"Uh..." she instantly goes to a clothing rack, and start's going through the pink fluffy rack of what I am guessing is dresses...?

I looked around and saw an game store... "I'll be back... soon" she nod's and flick her hand at me, I grinned and almost danced over to the store... i'm weird, okay?

I walked in and went to the new releases section, "Oh, sweet" I pulled the new LOTR's game out, "Hmm..." I turned it and read the price, "I can buy that" I almost high fived myself I was even doing a little cheer dance in my head.

I walked to the counter and bought it, "Thank's" I walked out, "Where have you been?!" Amy yell's at me, "Uh... in there" I pointed to the game store, she scowl's, "Come on, i'm going to find a kick ass outfit for you" she glare's at me and drag's me away from my sanctuary... I am not going to survive this, am I?


"Right, then we go on some Merchandise hunting, oh, I know this really cool place to by One Direction shirt's, oh! And I know this place where we can buy poster's and doll's!" she chatted excitedly.

Oh goddammit, I just... UGH, someone, please, kill me.

She grab's me and then drag's me toward's certain doom... I hate this type of fan girl -.-


"Oh my gosh! We have eighteen hour's until the concert!" I groaned and face planted, great, no sleep for me then, i'm guessing.

"Oh, and Harry's hair, oh! Niall's eyes- wait, wait, wait! How about Zayn eyes?! Or Louis' ass!"

I sighed and pulled my phone out and started to text Hammer, well 'Thumbalina as I call him.

: Dude, Rescue me, NOW ~KitKat :

: LOL, no way! This is pay back! ~Hammer :

: Bitch, please, get me out of here, NOW! OR I'LL MAKE YOU WATCH JASON AGAIN! ~KitKat :

: ... I'll take whatever you throw at me ~Hammer:


: I DON'T GET SCARED! ~Hammer :

: Puh-lease, honey, you got scared in Paranormal Activity ~KitKat :

: -.- What ever, have fun talking about Liam's curl's! ~Hammer :

: Liam doesn't have curl's, it's Harry who does, genius ~KitKat :


: ..... Hey, screw you, you're not getting the new LOTR game I bought ~KitKat :

: NO! I'M SOWWY! GIMME, GIMME! ~Hammer :

: N.O. Bubbai! ~KitKat : 

Punk. I rolled over and then tuned into Amy's chatting again, "OH! And Niall! GAH, he's sooo adorable!" 

I stared at Amy in unamusement.. "You know, we should get some sleep, so we have enough energy for the concert!" I say really upbeat.

She gasp's, "Oh my gosh! That's a brilliant idea! I need my beauty sleep to see my future husband's!" I stared at her with a look of 'Da Fuq'.

She's like... nineteen... why is she acting like this?!

She turn's over in her bed and I awkwardly shift in the uncomfortable camper bed, "Can I turn the light off?" I asked her, I feel more safe in the dark, that and I can't sleep with the light on.

"I can't sleep any other way"


Are you kidding me? You're a nineteen year old that has to sleep with the light on?! Okay, keep calm, just... close your eyes and- I was cut off mid thought by a loud, roaring snore... may the lord give me the strength to sleep tonight.

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