Part 12 / A real nightmare

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Everything seemed so out of place. Not only weren't you hearing from Ace anymore at all but now Marco wanted to talk to you about it.

When you eventually ended up talking to him. He told you all about him finding Blackbeard and the fight but..he also told you that Ace lost and got caught.

First Thatches death and now Ace is in Impel down!?!

"Before you say anything. We are going to go for him-yoi." Marco added on.

You'd honestly be more surprised if they just left him there and didn't want to try to get him back. You would probably go now by yourself if it didn't ment that you would probably get caught and that would be an entirely different situation.

"When are we gonna go." You wanted to desperately get to him. What would happen if you were all too late? Would you be able to live with yourself if he died? No. That won't happen. Not on yours or anyone else's watch on this crew anyways.

"They're going to execute him in a few days. We should be there just before it happens-yoi." If you were honest then you would rather go yourself now. Go and sneak in and try to get him out but it would be near impossible with it being Impel down.

"We'll get him back i promise-yoi." That at least wasn't a lie. If you're here to stop it then you'll be damned before you let your boyfriend get executed.

"Of course we will." You wanted to act confident but in reality it was terrifying.

Anything and everything could go wrong and because of that it made you scared.

Scared that it could mean the end of lives.

Scared that it could mean the end of your own life.

Scared that it could mean the end of the crews life.

Scared that it could mean the end of Aces life.

All of it was good possibility. It wouldn't be easy to save him. Even that was an understatement. You just wanted him back already.

Maybe he could save you from this wallowing dread that just seemed to follow you wherever you went and never went away since you were a child.

"I'll see you later-yoi." Marco left not too soon after. What were you meant to do with that information.

It was honestly hard to believe what you were hearing.

It was like one big nightmare. One that you only couldn't wake up from. You woulr have to live through it. You couldn't leave even if you thought it was the right choice.

You couldn't wake up even if it was a nightmare. Not when you had a chance to save your fire boy. It had been so long since you've seen him and this might be your last chance to actually save and stay with him.

Even if you didn't want to believe it. You would have to try. It was your only chance and it was your only and best choice.

He wouldn't abandon you like this do you couldn't abandon him like this either.

You loved him and that love would make you fight for him. Even if it meant losing everything or dying yourself. You would still fight for your love.

You gritted your teeth at the thought of not being able to do anything about it.

You'd make sure that he was safe again.

Or at least you'd die trying.






The next few days were dreadful.

Your thoughts were plagued with what happened to Ace and you couldn't even sleep because of it.

Even when you did it always seemed to end up with a nightmare. The same one. Seeing Ace get executed in front of you. Nothing you could do to save him at all. You couldn't even speak or scream. You could only watch in terror as he got struck down.

It was like you could never find peace like this.

Well right now you couldn't. Not when Ace was about to be executed. It was pure torture to think about what could happen to him if you came too late.

You mainly kept quiet about your thoughts.

Not that anyone had to guess what you were thinking. No one wanted anything to happen to Ace and most of the crew were confident enough about saving him but everything just made your thoughts overwhelmingly hard to deal with by yourself.

Yet everyone also had their doubts. There was no way that it would be easy. In fact it almost seemed impossible for it to work but it didn't matter right now not when this could be your only chance to save him. This is the last chance.

If anything, everyone here would make if possible. Even if it seemed pointless, your crew and the other ones as well would make it easier. Sure it would still definitely be a difficult and almost impossible task but it would also be worthwhile. Saving Ace was your and what seemed like a lot of other people's intentions as well.




You were now approaching Marineford now. God it was terrifying to just think about what was happening right now.

It was certainly a terrifying thought about what was about to possibly happen.

"He'll be okay. We'll get him back here safe." Izo put a hand on your shoulder as you were looking out over the railing.

"You make it sound like it's gonna be easy." You more mumble than anything else.

"It'll be anything but easy yet i'm confident in our and everyone else's abilities." Izo was always a lot more quiet than everyone else and it made your nerves calm slightly but it was still terrifying.

"It won't just be our crew. His brother and other crews will be there."

"I know but it's still not gonna be easy enough to just sneak him outta there." You add on. It would be soon that you would end up on Marineford.

You'd see him again and even if you weren't particularly confident you knew that no matter what happened you would find a way to get him back.

Even if it was an almost impossible task. It didn't matter wether it was or wasn't. You would give up your life just to be able to see him get away. To be confident that he got out and left and could be able to live another day.

"I think we're here [Y/N]"

Izo was right. You were about to see him again. You were about to even talk to him again.

"This will be the only chance we get." He then takes his hand off of your shoulder and then leaves. Probably to get ready to fight himself.

He was right at least. If you or anyone in fact messed this up then everything could or more likely would come crumbling down.

I promise fire boy.
I promise that we will get there in time.
I promise we will save you.

I can't write conflicts like at all so just as a heads up I won't be writing about the fight but I'll be mentioning how it changes though out the next few chapters but I wont be writing about the fighting.

I might end up writing it but for now its not gonna happen.

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