Part 11 / Empty promises part 2

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It was a nice thing being able to draw him. It made your memories feel more alive. It made his presence feel like it's still here and it makes you feel less alone.

You hadn't exactly told anyone what you were feeling even though Marco had always insisted that you could talk to him and even whitebeard tried to question you on it as well.

Now you just hoped that Ace would come home soon. He had been gone for a while and even if you could brefily distract yourself that sense of overwhelming loneliness was still always there. No matter what.

It seemed to follow you everywhere. Even if it was a good day there was still that sense of dread.

What if he gets hurt?

What if he doesn't want to come back?

What if he gets kidnapped?

What if he dies?

They were surprisingly reasonable thoughts. He was a wanted pirate and it probably made it worse that he was on whitebeards crew.

All you could do was wait until you could finally see your fire boy again.

Hes strong and you don't doubt his abilities but it's still daunting that Blackbeard might be stronger.

He might not win this fight.

But you had to trust him. He was your everything and you couldn't doubt a hypothetical. Not when he had a chance and he certainly wouldn't waste it.

You believed in what he was doing.

Sure you didn't like it that he was going to fight Blackbeard but you knew that it was because of what happened about Thatch.

It didn't sit right with you that he got to live either but even you didn't go.

"You know i've just been standing here?" Izo abruptly says. It kind of surprised you that he just was standing there. Normally you wouldn't expect him to go looking for you.

It snaps you out of your thoughts and you look up at him in the doorway.

"Sorry, I didn't see you."


"Why are you here?" You close the box of your precious memories. Sure it wasn't exactly that embarrassing but it would certainly be used to tease you if anyone found them.

"Wanted to see how you are. You look down since he left and you don't seem exactly happy about anything."

Well he wasn't wrong.

"I'm okay." You paused for a moment and you knew what you said was a lie but it was a lie that you had to tell.

"I just don't want anything to happen to him. I just want him to be okay."

"He'll he fine, he's the second division commander. Sure it wasn't the smartest idea to leave like that but he was his confidence so we should at least believe in him."

You nod your head. Of course you believe in Ace. There wasn't exactly much else you could do to support him at all.

"He promised you that he'd be back right?"

"Yeah..he did."

"When was the last time Ace ever broke a promise to you?"


He always kept his promises to me. No matter how ridiculous they seemed.

Hopefully he can keep this one as well.

"I'll leave you be but just keep that in mind." He turns and leaves. Closing your door.

You open the box again as Izo leaves. You take out one of the drawings that you drew of him.

This was the first one that you had ever made and was the only one he had ever seen himself.

He hadn't seen the rest of them but your sure that he would probably like to see them when he gets back. Or at least you'd show them either way but he would most likely like to see them.

You close the box again and carefully place it back into the bottom drawer.

You put the drawing on your bedside table before lying down.

All of your thoughts were all mushed together now but ut seemed like it made it easier to fall asleep as you weren't constantly worrying about Ace.

Though when you started yo drift off you only had one thing on your mind.

I hope your okay Ace. Please be okay.

Every time... [Portgas D Ace x Reader]<3حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن