A new beginning

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It was her first race weekend and as she walked trough the paddock mechanics rushed past, pushing tool carts and spare parts, while engineers discussed with each other. In the middle of this chaos, Sarah caught sight of a familiar figure walking confidently trough the crowd.

Lando Norris, the famous driver for the team, looking amazing in his racing suit tied around his waist, holding his helmet casually under his arm. People noticed him as he walked through the paddock.

Sarah felt nervous as he approached. She had just met him and from now on they would spend almost their entire days with each other, but being close to him made her heart race.

"Excuse me!" Lando called out, making his way through the crowd.

Sarah stepped aside to let him pass, feeling flustered by his presence.

"Sorry about that, I was just coming to find you, Zak told me you needed me for something." Lando said with a smile, looking at her.

"It's okay," she said, trying to stay calm. "And I do need you. You have an interview with Ted in 2 hours so meet me in the hospitality by then."

"So new to this job and already bossing me around?" he said with a grin.

Sarah didn't know what to say so she just faked a laugh.

"I'm joking" he said "what ever you say, i will do" he tried to put her at ease.

"Ok, don't forget then, I'll be waiting" she said confidently this time.

"I'll be there" he said walking away.

Later that afternoon, as promised, Lando arrived at the hospitality for his interview with Ted, and there was Sarah waiting for him.

"Told you I'd be here" he said smiling.

"You had no choice. If you weren't, I would hunt you down and drag you here." she said giving him a mean look.

"Wow, you really are bossy." he stated, not knowing she could be like this.

After the interview they went back to the garage together.

"So, there's an after party at our hotel on Sunday and I thought maybe you would want to come, it will be a lot of fun" Lando said wanting to make the girl feel more welcome, and maybe, just maybe, something inside him wanted to see her off track. After all if they were going to spend so much time together they should learn more about each other.

"Yeah I'll think about it, sounds really fun" she said not trying to sound too exited because inside she was screaming.

"Great, if you decide to go, tell me so I can pick you up at your room. You're on my floor right?" he tried not to sound like a stalker.

"Indeed I am, room 419" she replied kind of surprised he knew that.

"Oh, then it's right next to mine" Lando said in a tone that he regretted right after saying it.

Sarah blushed a little and smiled trying to hide it.

"Well, I better get going, practice is only an hour away. See you!" he then said.

"See you!" she replied still a little flustered.

They both went their ways and just like that her first race weekend had started.

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