Sydney wanted to hire her as a project manager so she could help with costs and estimates.

Carmy walks off to go find Richie, before he leaves he looks at Maia and smiles at her. She smiles back, and then he left.

"That's look #1 for the day. I'm up 5 dollars." Tina says as she claps her hands making a small dance in celebration.

Maia looks at Tina and playfully rolls her eyes.

"What, we can't look at eachother anymore?"

"No." Everyone in the room says in unison, Maia's eyes go wide and she puts her hands up in defense.

Tina, Maia and Sydney go inside the kitchen and Sydney gets out her little note pad to check off inventory.

Tina looks at the pans that were barely hanging by a thread, and sighs.

"We're going to need new pots and pans chef." Tina says as she shows Sydney and Maia the damage done to the tools.

Sydney sighs, and Maia decides to leave the area, since she was of no use for that conversation.

Maia decides to walk over to Carmys office.

"Corner." Maia and Richie both say almost bumping into each other.

"Hey Rich." Maia says with a half smile.

"Princess Maia."

Maia notices a cigarette tucked in his ear, and she shakes her head. Before Richie could walk away, she goes on her tip toes and takes the cigarette.

"Not on my watch."

"Fuck you." Richie says sarcastically then they both go on their opposite ways.

Maia reaches Carmys office and finds Natalie sitting down staring at a piece of paper.

"Maia! Hey."

"Hey Natalia. How are you doing?"

"To be honest with you, not good."

"Oh? What's wrong?"

Before Natalie could response Carmy pops out of no where causing Natalie and Maia to turn their attention toward him.

"Hey guys. Natalie, you can leave. You don't have to be here for this shit show." Carmy says as Natalie shakes her head at him.

"Sydney asked me to be project manager actually."

"What did you say?"

"I said I would think about it."

"I'm just gonna...-" Maia points to leave, since they were talking about the business, and she didn't really want to get involved with anything.

Before she could leave Sydney appears behind her, making her be even more in the middle of the conversation.

"Do we need a project manager?" Carmy asks as he takes a bite of the pizza. That's when Sydney nods her head.

"Yes, yes we do. Hello, good morning." Sydney says as she looks at all of us.

Maia rolls her eyes wishing to be away from all this.

"Who's going to approve of all these insane interests rates?"

"Oh that's nice Carmy, go fuck your self." Natalie says in disbelief.

Maia scratches the back of her neck, and scoots past Sydney.

Carmy grabs Maia's arm, causing her to stop.

"What did you need Mai."

"Oh, nothing. I'm going to just go help in the front..." Maia says awkwardly and snakes her arm away from Carmys grip. He lets go of her and shrugs her off.

The Chefs Cashier - The BearOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora