Chapter 5

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A heavy heart 

🐔Slight violence🐔

Friday, one day left.

Never in Y/N's life had she felt more nervous than now. All week, just when she thought things couldn't get more awkward with her enemy... After their encounter at the café, everything went downhill. She'd suffered four sleepless nights and counting, plagued by thoughts of that damn brunette who sat right in front of her in their last class. Close enough that she could catch a whiff of Jenna's sweet, flowery scent, which she may or may not have liked.

It didn't help that the dreaded vacation was tomorrow, well, the trip at least, which involved a grueling 7-hour drive.

But Y/N had to admit, she was a bit sad that her and Jenna had stopped talking. Just little hi's and awkward glances, where she'd try to catch a glimpse of Jenna but quickly look away once Jenna caught her eyes. She never used to do that. Normally she would hold the eye contact, but now, she was the one looking away. She had grown soft.

"Alright class, tomorrow's the last day before the break. I won't be taking attendance so... I don't care where you are, have fun and get some sun," Mr. Franco announced, setting his Toronto Raptors coffee cup down, the same one he used every single day. Y/N wondered if he'd go into cardiac arrest any time soon with the amount of coffee he consumed, but she hoped he wouldn't. He's a great teacher.

The class cheered and stood up, some immediately running to the exit before the bell even rang. Just before Y/N left, she took a glance at Jenna, organizing her notes aside. Y/N's gaze traveling from Jenna's eyes to her lips, then back to her eyes. Then she felt a body slam against her, causing her to let out a huffing noise.

"Fuck you Jacob, your big fat ass almost killed me," Y/N grunted, but she also silently thanked Jacob for interrupting... whatever she was doing. "Aw little dicky's mad cus I interrupted her little staring session. Admit it, you're starting to like her, cus I know damn well I am." Jacob leaned in, putting his arm over Y/N His other hand holding the strap of his bag that was hanging off from his shoulder.

"What?! No? I wasn't even staring at anyone. At all. I was looking back to see if I left anything. What are you doing here anyway, didn't you say you were going out with Naomi?" Y/N stammered and quickly changed the subject before trying to push Jacob's arm away, but failing to do so.

They started walking their way outside, hallways partially empty. "Well not anymore, she said she was babysitting. But, I've got something to tell you, you're gonna love it, I think..."

"Shoot," Y/N replied as she reached into her pocket to grab her favourite snack—Hello Panda.

"Okay, so... you know your little best friend's boyfriend?" Jacob started. "Yeah, What about that shithead? If it's about him being a cheater don't waste your breath telling me; I already know. Everyone knows, except for his girl." She shrugged while she munched on her snack. The sudden mention of her 'best friend' awakening her.

"Right, well, that little jerk... got Olivia pregnant," Jacob declared as they neared his car, letting his arm fall off Y/N's shoulder. Y/N choked and coughed on her snack before swallowing again. Nothing could've prepared her for what came out of Jacob's mouth

"Holy shit! Olivia your damn ex? Now that's fucked up. I mean you guys weren't that serious, but still." Y/N's voice held a mix of surprise and concern.

She remembered Olivia'sstriking beauty but also sensed something enigmatic about her, perhaps because she was a theatre kid. Olivia's relationship with Jacob had been short-lived, barely even lasting a month, and Jacob had been with a lot of girls so she didn't think it would bother him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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