I took a few deep breaths. Calm. I needed to stay calm. I was gonna get out of this. I always did.

I will be fine. Now, I just needed to focus.

I finally opened my eyes.

Whoever brought me here will have hell to pay. And I would make sure of it.

---Ghost perspective---

The snow crunched under the tires as the car came to a halt. The driveway was covered in a perfect white blanket, untouched as the snow continued to fall. The heavy fall has covered all possible traces of your disappearance and continued to cover the fresh footprints he left with every step.

As the thoughts continued running through his mind he walked up to the door, he didn't see a car anywhere yet still rang the doorbell, hoping you would respond.

He knocked a couple more times, the image of you opening the door with surprise only to see him standing there slowly faded from his mind.

The door knob turned in his hand without much problem. It was open.

He slowly entered the building, now fully convinced something wasn't right.

The floorboards creaked under his weight, no matter how new they looked they had their years, not allowing Ghost to hide his presence as skillful as he was at it. The only question was whether there was anyone to hide his presence from.

There was nothing wrong as he entered the house, no signs of struggle, no signs of any other person, an intruder or even a supposed friend. Nothing out of the ordinary has caught his eye as he walked through the several rooms, he paid attention to every single detail just as he did when working.

He was starting to think that maybe you just left the house and forgot to lock it.

That was until he walked down the hallway leading to the kitchen. The sight of the glimmering blade he had gifted to you. Unused. Discarded on the floor. That shot a sparkling feeling down his spine.

Something happened.

His guts turned upside down.

His fingers traced the sharp edge of the knife, no traces of blood. He gripped onto the handle and got his gun ready just in case. He walked through the house checking every single corner for intruders, but the only thing he has found was a slightly open window.

After pushing it back in place and twisting the handle something has caught Ghost's eyes. A small paper flyer flew off from the top of the drawer, landing on the floor under his boots.

It turned out to be an instruction for a camera app, that meant you had them installed, well enough that he didn't notice. But considering the amount of time you had spent in the military it wasn't much of a surprise.

Now, all he needed to do was find out whether he could access the cameras footage. He prayed that they were working and not put as a decoy.

After checking out the box, he learned that it was a typical SD memory card or app kind of cameras. Which made his life a lot easier.

He pulled out his tablet from the backpack, connecting the SD card, dreading of what he will find on the video.

Thankfully to him it wasn't coded it anyway. Not that he wouldn't be able to bypass the security, but it was less of a hassle and more saved time.

The cameras seemed to have a memory save for only a few days, he started off with the last one. Being able to see you doing just fine and well he quickly skipped through to the day that you were already gone.

Prey On | COD reader x Ghost & Königजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें