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"You have to marry him when the time comes because he is holding you down right now," Alazne said.

"I wouldn't mind being Mrs. Fatu," Saiyara said with a smile.

Alazne was right. Sefa was being so supportive of Saiyara while Saiyara grieved over her grandfather. Saiyara always knew he had a caring heart but this proves it to her.

"I'm telling you that family takes being family to the next level. The way they all gathered around you and went to your grandfather's funeral was so special to me and I hope I can experience that kind of connection one day," Alazne said.

"Girl," Saiyara said as she smacked her lips. "You could have that if you gave Joshua the chance and don't act like I don't know about you and him because I do," Saiyara said.

Alazne waved her off. "Joshua and I are complicated. I get it he got a divorce and he wants to experience the single life but don't drag me along on that ride when you know I don't like sharing," Alazne said.

"Have you even talked to him about this?" Saiyara asked her.

Alazne shrugged. "Who has time to talk when he has my legs wrapped around my neck and he's hitting spots that I never knew existed," Alazne answered.

Saiyara chuckled. Of course, it would be Alazne to make me laugh for the first time in weeks. This girl is a mess. A good mess though.

Her complicated relationship with Joshua made Saiyara relieved that Sefa and she didn't act on their sexual chemistry.

Saiyara believes that when a romantic relationship begins with sex, it can make things messy and hard to navigate, particularly if deeper feelings emerge later on.

"But I'll figure it out soon," Alazne said.

"You will," Saiyara told her.

Sefa and Joshua walked into the house and Alazne immediately stood up and grabbed her purse. "Bye, girl," Alazne said.

Alazne ignored Joshua trying to block her. Joshua kissed his teeth. "I know you ain't running out of here because of me," Joshua said as Alazne walked past him to the front door.

"Alazne!" Saiyara called out.

"Bye!" Alazne yelled.

Saiyara shrugged as Sefa looked at Saiyara. "I have no idea why she's running," Saiyara said before glancing at Joshua. "But he does," Saiyara pointed at Joshua.

"No, I don't," Joshua said.

"Yes, you do," Saiyara said.

Joshua brushed her off and took off after Alazne. He made it outside as Alazne was about to get in her car.

"Alazne," Joshua said.

"Leave me alone," Alazne said.

"You acting up right now when we had a good time the other night," Joshua said as he blocked her from getting into her car.

Alazne rolled her eyes. "That's the problem, we keep having good nights together, and I don't want that, I can't handle it anymore," Alazne said.

Joshua groaned. "So what's the problem? You want to be in a relationship with me, right," Joshua said.

Alazne wanted to slap him. "You want to be in a relationship with me, right," Alazne mocked him.

"Alazne, come on, talk to me," Joshua said.

Alazne pushed him out of the way. "I'll talk to you when you get rid of your hoes," Alazne said, quickly getting into her car before Joshua could stop her.

"Alazne, you can't be serious," Joshua said.

"I'm so serious, Joshua, you can't keep sleeping with me anymore while you're seeing other people," Alazne said, before driving off leaving Joshua looking lost and confused in the driveway.

"Damn it," Joshua said.

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