"I promise I will find a way to bring you back."
Scarlett declared with confidence as she clenches her fist even tight.
After their talk Scarlett made her way back downstairs, she still had a gloomy expression on her face, traces of tear mark still remained on her cheek after she saw me, she showed a forced smile.

"So... how did it go?"

I hesitantly asked.

"Well, she's not talking but.... I think she will be okay."

She said with a low voice.

"I see...."

Reading the room, I decided it was best to not pry any further as I didn't understand how much pain Scarlett was going through. Thinking back on it in my previous world I was not really close to anyone, so I never went through the pain of losing someone before.

"I tried everything I could.... but I guess her heart is going to take longer to heal."

Hana had a sad expression on her face. I wondered what kind of relationship they had. But they seem really close.

"Hana thanks for all your help. We'll be leaving now."

"I'll be waiting for your next visit your highness. However, I want to give Sir Haruto something before he leaves."


I cocked my head as I am not sure what she wanted to give me. Hana went over to a long glass counter where there were several accessories with small gemstone planted within them.

She then picked up a silver ring which has a red gemstone planted within it. then slowly walked towards me.

"With this you should be able to suppress the mana leaking from your body."

She said as she handed over the silver ring to me.

"I see thank you."

I said with a bright smile.

I was really worried about monsters being able to sense me because of the strong mana leaking from my body, but with this I no longer needed to worry. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Isn't that a magic nullification crystal?"

Scarlett asks while tilting her head curiously.

"Yes, it is I'm sure it will come in handy since Haruto has a large amount of mana."

"Thank you, Miss Hana."

I said as I did a light bow, Hana then nodded in return.

I then gently place the ring around my finger which was a perfect fit. I could feel, my body getting slightly lighter.

"Seems like a perfect fit."

She said with a bright smile. Scarlett and I then went on our way towards the exit.
1 hour had pass since we left Lady Hana's store Scarlett had been unusually quiet while we were on our way. She had a gloomily expression on her face.

I could easily guess why she was like that, but I was debating whether to bring up that topic or not, however the silence atmosphere was too much for me to handle so I decided to finally say something.

"U-um.... Scarlett do you really think she'll be

I asked hesitantly. After hearing my sudden question Scarlett then stop walking while she brought her hand under her chin and went in deep thought.

"I'm not really sure...but I don't want to give up on my friend. I'll do everything I can to get her back."

Scarlett declared I could feel a strong sense of determination in her voice and her eyes didn't look like someone who had given up, I can tell she was serious about bringing her friend back.

The Second Incarnation of the God of CreationWhere stories live. Discover now