A day in Nanba

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In the darkness of Yui Gokuu's bedroom in Samon's department, a monkey-like figure approaches her bed with an evil smile.

"Hehehe," It laughs as its hand reaches toward Yui.

Yui turns over and opens her eyes.

"Wait, no! No, no, no!" Yui screams, clinging to the covers.


"Since you want to see the prison so bad, you can help manage the inmates with me," Kiji says, putting makeup on his daughter.

"Dad, you know I don't like wearing bright makeup. I'm a traditional witch, aka a goth," Serena replies, dodging her dad's makeup brush.

"You need a splash of color in your life. It's not good to be surrounded by nothing but black all day. Which is why Ahato and I are going to give you a building three makeover," Kiji responds, finishing her makeup.

The two guards surround Serena and drag her into a changing room.

"Try on this outfit. I'm guaranteed it will make you look fabulous," Kiji says, handing Serena navy overalls with white flowers and a pastel pink short-sleeved crop top with ruffles.

Serena does as he says and changes. When she pulls back the curtain, Ahato and Kiji squeal like girls.

"You look so cute!" Kiji says, kissing Serena's cheek.

"Ew, stop. You're getting your lipstick on my face," Serena whines, pulling her dad's face away.

"Thankfully, your hair is perfect, so we don't have to do that. Now put on those cute white sneakers so we can get to work," Kiji says, handing Serena a cute pair of white sneakers.

Serena puts on the sneakers, and suddenly, Kiji's holding her left hand for dear life.

"Dad, let go. I'm not a baby," Serena says, trying her hardest to pull out of her dad's grip.

"I know you're not, but I don't trust the inmates in my building," Kiji replies, making Serena worried as they walk forward. "By the way, your living arrangements are all sorted out with the Warden as long as you participate in this year's New Year's event."

"Oh, that's nice."


"So, are you actually related to Hajime?" An inmate with red and black asks, startling Gumi.

"Yeah, I am. How'd you get into his office?" Gumi asks, looking at the boy with amazement.

"I'm the incredible Jyugo. The master of breaking out of locks and opening things. I'm in cell 13. You could come to visit if you'd like," Jyugo says, exaggerating his qualities. "By the way, you don't happen to be single?"

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