Trying to be Human

18 3 5

Your words in my head

Are louder than you

I try not to cry

But some things I can't do

Roses are dead

My feelings are too

Trapped in this body

That makes me feel blue

Please let me out

Before I end up dead

I want to be more than

The words in my head

I say I'm alight 

But wonder if it's true

I'm sorry I'm imperfect

Cuz I'm not as good as you

Not quite sure I'm human

Or if I'll ever be

But maybe if I try real hard

I'll be happy being me

Roses are red

And my face is too

Sorry I'm not enough

That I'm feeling blue

Roses are dead

Soon I will be too

So I smile and laugh away

So you won't see what's true

I don't want to be human

Animal at my heart

But I have to be normal

And never fall apart

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