Guess What

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They were getting Harry tonight.

Some of the best aurors and Order members were assembled to retrieve him, which was a relief, but Hermione couldn't quell her anxiety. Her leg was reaching a frenzied tempo as it bounced.

"Relax, 'Mione. It'll be fine," Ron muttered. It wasn't the first time he'd said it, hence the irritated tone, but she really couldn't seem to process the words. A few days ago, when she'd returned from grabbing ice cream with Conway, they'd received word from Dumbledore that Harry had been attacked by dementors in his own neighborhood. Not only that, but when he cast a patronus to protect himself, he was pegged for underage magic and was facing expulsion. Hermione practically fainted right then, but Remus, who was reading Dumbledore's note, assured her that Harry would be returning to Hogwarts. The headmaster had, however, finally decided it would be best for Harry to be relocated to Grimmauld Place.

And tonight was the night. She checked her watch. It would probably be at least another hour until they arrived. She stood and headed up the stairs to her shared room with Ginny. Sitting in the kitchen with everyone else while they waited wasn't helping anything; she might as well reply to her cousin's letter.

After sharing Attie's address with Conway, Hermione had made short work of finding a solution to her post problem. Fortunately, there was a Royal Mail stationed a few blocks away. Once she'd located it, Hermione wrote Attie a quick letter with the post office's address on it. She apologized for her silence and the brief and heavy nature of her last message, then explained her situation with Conway. Although Attie wasn't exceptionally thrilled at the prospect of receiving mail from a strange boy, she voiced that she was pleased Hermione had made a friend during such a difficult time in her life. She agreed to send Conway's letters to London, where Hermione could pick them up on foot. Oh, how Hermione adored her cousin.

She opened Attie's most recent correspondence.


I really don't mean to insult your descriptive abilities, but I just can't imagine a dementor. The closest I'm getting is a jawa from Star Wars episode four.

Regardless, I'm sorry to hear that the stupid wizard government threatened to expel Harry even though he was just trying to protect himself. Call me crazy, but it sounds like the government is run by a bunch of idiots. Hopefully, your little Father Christmas headmaster sorted it all out.

Mum's feeling much better, thanks for asking. I'm quite proud of my medicinal herbs, actually. I was able to nurse her back to health with only my own garden! Oh, and Kevin the bowtruckle is doing well. Looking rather fat, lately, but I don't mind.

Tell me more about your Conway Smith. I still think he's a window-licker, but I do enjoy hearing all the ways he's pissed you off lately. I've enclosed his most recent letter.


Hermione smiled and pulled out Conway's letter, which Attie did in fact send along. Immediately, Hermione broke out in a grin. The envelope was absolutely plastered in stamps; every available centimeter had the Queen's face on it, with some of the stickers overlapping in places. The first time she'd received an envelope like it, Hermione was irate. She figured it was Conway bragging about his wealth again, as if the cost of fifty stamps was nothing. But after he continued to do it every time, she thought maybe it was just supposed to give her a laugh, because it was funny. Even she could admit that. She shook her head and ripped the envelope open.

Astute Atalanta–

She stopped and rolled her eyes. He always began this way, with some ridiculous adjective before her name. Last week it was Affable Atalanta, which followed Annoying Atalanta, Absurd Atalanta, Admirable Atalanta, and her personal favorite, Apocalyptic Atalanta. It made absolutely no sense, and that was why she loved it. She continued reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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