xxvi. awkward meeting and new year kisses

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twenty-six. awkward meeting and new year kisses

december 31st.

clover stood near the edge of bradys bed, her suitcase lay open on the bed infront of her. she was currently refolding the mess of clothes

the couple were both ( supposed to be ) packing to go to la for xochitls new years eve party and so clover could go back home

brady convinced his parents and clovers to let him stay at the fang household for the first week of january.

"you should be packing, bray" clover lectured as she folded another shirt. it was insanely early, 8:38 am to be exact.

their flight to LA was at 11:15 am meaning they'd arrive in LA at maybe 7:45 ish. xochitls party began at nine so that gave them a little bit of time until they had to be there

brady continued to lay under his covers, flowing in and out of sleep. "why so early ?" he mumbled, his morning voice evident and insanely raspy

"dont wanna miss our flight, do we ?" she rhetorically asked as she placed her sneakers into the suitcase and zipped it up

the boy shrugged, digging his face farther into the pillow. "i wouldnt mind" he answered truthfully. clover let out an airy laugh, "guess ill leave without you" she thought out loud

brady lifted his head instantly, "you wouldn't" he challanged with an eyebrow raise. clover shrugged innocently, "try me" she responded

"fine" he groaned out dramatically. brady pulled himself up from the bed, showing his loose t-shirt and pajama pants. "can you atleast help me ?"

clover nodded, reaching up to kiss him. "of course i can" she replied as they pulled away from the kiss. "wheres your suitcase ?" she questioned

brady groaned again, "do we have to start packing right this second ?" he asked. "what would you rather do ?" clover questioned

"go back to sleep, cuddle, more sleep" brady replied, yawning through this words. clover smiled, ruffling the boys messy bed head

she folded, "fine, we can cuddle until nine and then we at have to pack your suitcase, deal ?" clover offered, brady instantly nodding. "deal."

brady picked up clover, placing her back onto his bed, laying on top of her and burying his head into her neck.

clover laughed to herself as she heard soft snores coming from brady, she decided to turn on his tv and watch 'clueless' to pass the time

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