xxv. till we're old and grey

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twenty-five. till we're old and grey

december 30th.

clover had woken up an hour ago, and spent her time getting ready and looking cute for the long day ahead of her .

she leaned down, brushing the hair out of bradys face. "brady... wake up" she whispered, shaking him softly

bradys body tingled as he woke up to the soothing sound of his girlfriends voice, he yawned tiredly as he blinked at the sunlight filling his eyes

he sat up slowly, beginning to rub his eyes. in the four days clover had been at his house, he'd gotten very used to waking up beside her

"happy birthday, baby !" clover exclaimed as she saw him sit up. brady gave her a gushy smile, "thank you, my love" he muttered his response

his voice was still raspy from just being awoken, sending butterflies through clovers stomach. she gave him a small kiss

brady smiled into the kiss, pulling her down so she laid on the bed next to him, reconnecting the kiss. "could stay like this all day" he muttered

as he went to kiss her once more, his door was shoved open by his mother and father

bradys mother looked put together and ready for the day while his father looked like he was dragged out of bed

"happy birthday, brady !" they both yelled as they walked into the room. clover quickly disconnected her and her boyfriends lips and sat up, pulling him up with her

brady smiled at his parents, "aww thanks guys" he responded, scratching the back of his neck silently hoping they didnt see him and clover making out

his mother walked over, kissing his head and smiling at clover. "enjoy your day, honey" she said to him, "cmon honey we have to go to connors room now" bradys mom told her husband

he walked out of the room while yawning, his wife following behind him. before she was all the way out of the room she paused, "oh and no more making out, you have a long day ahead !"

both now newly adults laughed quietly at the comment, both of their cheeks red. clover hopped up first, "what would you like to do today, before your dinner later ?" she asked him

brady shrugged softly as he thought of something to do. "bowling ?" he suggested, raising his eyebrows as he looked up at her

clover smiled down at him, "if thats what you'd like to go do, we can definitely go bowling ! now go get dressed and stuff, we all know you take hours to get ready !" she exaggerated dramatically

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