"What's wrong?" Gu Yan's voice came from one side.

He had woken up early and had finished getting ready. Seeing Ye Zi suddenly sitting up, he came over worriedly.

Gu Yan took out a silk handkerchief and carefully wiped away the thin beads of sweat on his forehead: "Did you have a nightmare?"

Ye Zi was stunned for a long time and shook his head: "I don't know."

"I seem to have dreamt something, but I can't remember exactly what it was. But......"

He placed his hand on his heart. His heart was still beating fast, as if it was being grabbed by something, and there were short bursts of pain, which almost made him breathless.

That was the feeling left over from the dream.

Ye Zi folded his legs up and rested his head on his knees, murmuring: "It's so uncomfortable......"

"Stop thinking about it." Gu Yan sat down beside him. He brought the person into his arms and gently ran his hands down the other party's spine, "It was only just a dream, no need to pay it any mind."

Today was the first day of the hunt, Gu Yan was worried that Ye Zi hadn't rested well so he forced him to rest a little longer. It was almost noon when the two of them reached the hunting grounds.

Before the two of them reached the grounds, they could hear the loud cheers from the others.

The hunt was divided into five days and the first day was usually to liven things up.

The guards would go to the mountains in advance to catch some wild deer and antelope and put them in the hunting ground for people to chase and shoot. A bonfire was built in the center of the hunting ground, and the hunted animals were then directly slaughtered and barbecued in public and shared among the crowd.

The first day of the hunt was always a time for the younger generation to show off. Gu Yan and Ye Zi had just settled down in their seats when they saw Wen Yi returning on his horse with several guards behind him carrying a wounded wild goat.

He took the first hunt of this year's roundup.

Gu Yan didn't participate in hunting. In the past few years, most of the hunts were taken by Wen Yi and Crown Prince Gu Sheng. These two people have a good relationship. On the hunting ground, they would constantly compete without giving way to the other. However, Gu Sheng would usually win the top prize with the best move.

As for whether Wen Yi truly competed or did it on purpose, no one would know.

The first day was just a warm-up for fun and the results were not included in the hunting competition, but it was still a good start. Wen Yi rode his horse leisurely and his expression was full of complacency.

But after seeing Gu Yan and Ye Zi, the smile on his face suddenly faded away.

Obviously, he was still upset about what happened at the banquet yesterday.

Ye Zi didn't take what happened last night to heart. Instead, seeing Wen Yi's defeated look, he thought it was a little funny and couldn't help but slightly raise the corners of his mouth until Gu Yan pinched his face gently.

Ye Zi's face was thin and even a gentle pinch would leave a red mark. He covered his face and turned his head to look at Gu Yan: "What are you doing?"

Gu Yan glanced at him and said righteously: "You're smiling at someone else, I'm jealous."

Ye Zi: "......"

It was the first time he saw someone who would speak so confidently about being jealous.

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