Chapter 17

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Gu Yan coughed and asked: "Who did you hear that from?"

"Naturally from the maids in your courtyard." Great Princess Rui scolded, "I heard that you guys slept in separate beds last night, how is that appropriate? It's your wedding night, if this gets out, people will gossip about it."

"Those chatterboxes......" Gu Yan closed his eyes, he could feel a headache forming, "Why are you asking around about this?"

"Look at what you're saying. As a mother, is it wrong to care about my own son?" Great Princess Rui glared at him before turning her head to Ye Zi and saying in a warm voice, "You're probably unaware, but this is how he is. He's like a piece of wood and doesn't know anything about love."

Ye Zi held back a laugh: "I don't think His Majesty is that ignorant......"

"How so?" Great Princess Rui rolled her eyes and was unhesitant in talking bad about her son, "In the early years, I had arranged a candidate for him and talks about marriage were happening so I told the brat to take her out for some fun. I don't know what he said to her, but when the young lady came back, she was crying and refused to marry him."

Great Princess Rui sighed: "I thought at that time, this brat would end up alone. I didn't expect the Heavens would bless him and let him find a good Princess Consort like you."

Ye Zi choked for a moment and didn't reply.

Back to the main topic, Great Princess Rui turned her head and said to Gu Yan: "Anyway, since he is willing to marry into the Prince Rui Manor, you can't treat him badly. You'll consummate your marriage tonight, don't shirk anymore."

Gu Yan was about to say something when Great Princess Rui interrupted: "If you try to make any more excuses, believe it or not, I will get a servant to keep an eye on you tonight."


Before Gu Yan could respond, Ye Zi got anxious first and blurted out: "No!"

In a flash, ten pairs of eyes in the room fell on him.

Ye Zi was so anxious that his palms were sweating and Great Princess Rui's face sank: "Why not?"

"Because......" Ye Zi glanced at Gu Yan. In front of everyone, he summoned up his courage, "Because......His Majesty can't get it up. "

Gu Yan: "......"

Great Princess Rui: "......"

A room full of maids and servants: "......"

Gu Yan's temples throbbed as he gritted his teeth: "When have I——"

Before he could finish his sentence, his line of sight met Ye Zi's pitiful gaze.

If they don't get past this today, Great Princess Rui might really find a servant to pressure them into consummating their marriage.

When that time came, things would only become more difficult.

Gu Yan took a deep breath, and under Great Princess Rui's discerning gaze, he nodded slowly: "Mnn, it's as he says."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Great Princess Rui's face stiffened. She collected her aggressive aura and said in a warm voice: "I didn't......know. I am at fault for not caring more about you."

She seemed to be afraid of hurting Gu Yan's self-esteem and remedied: "No's a minor problem......There are so many doctors in the Capital, tomorrow I will send someone to find a can definitely be cured."

The veins on the back of Gu Yan's hands were bulging as he responded with difficulty: ".....Of course, everything will be done as you said."

It was getting late, and Gu Yan and Ye Zi left the front room.

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