Chapter Two

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     I felt a needle jab into my arm and my eyes flew open. I jumped off and table and grabbed the woman who stuck the needle in my arm by the throat. I looked at her, when I looked in her eyes I didn't feel unsafe. I threw her down and ran out of that room.

"Jacklyn, come upstairs."
"Who's there!?" I yelled

     I noticed the voice was inside my head. I shut it out, I'm not sure how I did but I did, I don't need someone else in my head.

     I didn't know what else to do so my made my way upstairs. I walked slowly taking it all in. There were other children here, with books and bags. A school, it looked like a school. The children stared at me as I walked past. I soon realized it was because I was wearing a hospital gown.

     I found myself in front of two big doors, I don't know why I was drawn to it, but I was. Just as I was about to open the door I heard talking. I pressed my face to the door to hear what they were saying better.

"I don't know"
"How don't you know, Charles!?"
"She must have some telepathic ability, she shut me out."
"Shut you out?"
"Yes, Logan. I can't read her, I could only read her for that one moment when she was venerable."
"Well how did you find her then?"

     As soon as the man said wait I realized I wasn't thinking, I wasn't trying to stop him from getting in my head, he must have felt me behind the door. Before he said anything else I opened the door.

     The man smiled at me as I walked through the door. He was a bald man in a wheel chair, he was the one in my head. The other man I recognized, he was the one who found me in the woods, I recognized his beard.

"Hello Jacklyn, my name is Professor Charles Xavier, and this is Logan."
"Where am I?" I said
"You're in a school, for gifted children, like yourself."
"Mutants. Logan rescued you and brought you back here, we can educate you on the world and you will get all your normal subjects as well, math, history, science, things like that. And you can stay here in a room."
"What if I don't want to?"
"Then you may leave."

     I was allowed to leave. All I wanted to be was free, but I'm not sure if I want to leave. It had occurred to me that I've never been in the real world, I don't know how it works.

"I'll stay." I replied

     At this time a woman walked in. She was tall and she had short white hair.

"This is Storm," the professor said "she will take you to your room."

     I nodded my head and turned around, taking one look at the man in the corner whose name I found out was Logan.

     As I followed Storm she told me about this school and about some of the teachers here. She also told me about her mutation, she could control the weather. Once we made it up to my room she opened the door for me and told me if she needed anything she would be downstairs. I thanked her and walked into my new room.

His Little PupOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora