part 2

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The trio of heroes from earth 51 woke up grogilly after they escaped their earth. The process of moving to a different earth certainly took a toll upon the trio, but any exhaustion can be overcomed. As the they recharge their strengh, they decide to discuss their plans of living on this new earth they found.
"So, we got stranded here, does anyone have a plan of staying here?" Tony asked. Y/N and Nat shifted their gaze upon him, slightly annoyed with starks witty joke about them not having a plan.
"Don't you have one, stark?" Nat asked with a teasing but serious tone. Stark cowered under her gaze for his answer
"Nope, i thought you guys had one." Stark answered sarcastically. Y/N groaned in annoyance as the two remaining avengers began having a not so friendly confrontation between each other. But then, he had an idea, to ask for refuge.
"Guys, how about we try finding the heroes from this universe and ask their help?" Y/N proposed. Tony and Nat looked at each other for a split second before deciding to go with Y/N's plan.
"So, what's step one kid?" Stark asked
"First, we go fight crime a little bit, hopefully attracting attention from this earth's heroes and then we can ask for their help." Y/N explained in detail. Stark and Nat nodded in agreement to his plan

The trio stationed themselves upon an old clockbell tower high above the city, capable of seeing all of manhattan from there. As theyy were surveilling the city, a whiff of smoke appeared on the air, apparently they were needed.
"How about that whiff of smoke, we could go help some people." Nat proposed
"Good idea, let's go." Y/N answered as he swung to the whiff of smoke
"Hang on tasha, you're gonna be feeling a little bit nauseous." Tony proclaimed as he held natasha close and flew them to the whiff of smoke

As the trio approached the whiff of smoke, they found police forces trapped, unable to get to site with broken bridges and barriers, but not for the trio fortunately. As the trio arrived on the site of shooting, they were suprised with how much gang members were present in the shooting. But nevertheless, they decided to step in.
"Gang war, this is way below my paygrade." Stark bragged. Y/N and Natasha simply scoffed that even in an alternate universe different than theirs, stark kept his witty and sarcastic nature. But they're glad stark stayed this day because it made predicting what he was going to say much easier.
"Could you, maybe, shut up for a while stark?" Nat groaned while fighting a few gang members left and right while Y/N webbed multiple other members and disarming them with his webs. Stark launched missiles from his back and landed after their detonations

Gwen was simply practicing her drum with her band, and only knew of the gang war after they finished practicing.
"Guys, take a look at this." Mj signalled them to huddle up as they watched from the live news that a gang war was stopped by a trio of heroes. The police only knew of the iron man, while they were baffled when they saw Natasha and spiderman fighting crime like this. They were only aware of spider-woman which is Gwen herself, but it seemed that the other ironman was different, his suit looked more advanced than gwen last remembered, but stark may have made improvements to it she thought. Her train of thought was interrupted as her phone rang with stark as the caller id. She quickly picked up the phone and tony began speaking
"Kid, we have a situation." Stark informed
"Was it you interfering the gang war?" Gwen asked
"Nope, that wasn't me, the one that interfered was wearing a different suit than mine, seems to be nanotech, which i haven't applied to any of my suits, yet." Stark answered
"So, a copycat?" I asked
"A very good one at that." Tony answered
"Alright, i'll try searching the city, they couldn't been far considering how quick they intervened." I said
"I'll notify the iron legion of this, they'll find this copycat soon enough." Stark said as he hung up the phone

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