Imani expects a response and looks up and Andrew was infront of her. He pulls her close.

"Sir this is highly inappropriate." She says teasingly.

"I'd say the things I want to do are more inappropriate." He gives her ass a quick squeeze and leaves the room leaving her hot and bothered.

Imani follows after him and they enter the meeting room. Soon after a tall man walks in with a younger guy and some others. They sit around the table and the meeting commences.

Imani had pulled her glasses out cause she realized that t she likes to be able to see and starts typing away on the iPad. She feels multiple a stares on her but it wasn't a comfortable one. She looks up and sees one of the other CEOs employees staring at her once they make eye contact but the lady doesn't look away.

"Thank you Mr Romano."  Andrew says snapping Imani out of it and she gets giving the other members handshakes.

The days had come to an end and Imani was heading back to Andrew's house. After being dropped off she goes to her room to catch some sleep.

Imani had changed into a black mini skirt and top pared with some black heels.

She was at the bar talking to Amanda.

"You want a drink." Amanda asks .

"Sure nothing strong though we still have work tomorrow." Imani adds she starting to second guess agreeing to Amanda taking her out to the club. Not because she was bad or anything but because they still had work the next day and she didn't want to have a hangover during work.

The club they were at was also a strip club so there were dancers everywhere on the poles.

Imani was a hobby collector and when she turned 18 during the summer she took pole dancing lessons. Not for any reason cause she sure as hell didn't want to be a stripper but it looked too fun to pass. Right now she imagined herself doing that just not with all these other people around.

She turns her attention back to Amanda who has some martini in her hand and  some shots on the table.

Imani sips on drinking it faster that she should cause it tasted so good. Little did she know that Amanda had put something in it.

Andrew on the other hand had just entered his penthouse and called out for Imani but no response but sees a note on the fridge.

I went to the club even though it's a Wednesday but yh don't worry about if you come home and I'm not there:)

He smiled to himself but his face drops when he realizes he'll be home alone. Breathing out an exasperated sigh he goes to his room.

At around 12:00am Andrew was basically sleeping but gets a phone call and he answers it without checking the id.

"Heyyyy Andrew." He hears recognizing the voice.

"Imani are you ok?" He ask.

"You know your voice sounds really good when it's raspy you should sleep more often so I can hear it more."

She was drunk.

"Imani do you need me to pick you up." He asks getting up from his bed and putting on a hoodie.

"Nooooo." Then a few seconds of silence passes.

"Yes. Do you know you're like a superhero. Always there to rescue me." She says giggling into the phone.

"Andrewwwwwww. I think something happened to my drink." She says. Imani only had two of the drinks Amanda gave her and was wasted. And she felt very light headed and sleepy.

"Imani what do you mean." He was already in the car driving to her location.

"I feurl really striedc." She says mumbling into the phone.

"No you don't continue talking to me sweetheart." He responds somehow understanding what she said.

"You know the girl in the meeting earlier today. She looked so familiar have you seen her before."

His mind drifts back to the lady and she did look familiar. Cause she looked like Imani.

Andrew pulls up to the club and enters in looking around for Imani.

"Imani where are you."

"I'm at the back- oh hey Amanda where have you been?"

He hears a voice tell her to get off the phone

"No I'm talking to my boyfriend get away." Imani says. And the call ends.

Andrew's heart would've melted if not cause of the fact there's a chance of her getting trafficked or kidnapped.

He finally makes it out through the back and sees Imani sitting in the corner eating some hersheys chocolate.

She looks up and sees Andrew and gets up.

"See I told you my boyfriend was here." She says looking behind him. Andrew turns around but looks down when he sees a girl on the floor passed out.

"Imani what happened to her" Andrew asks as they walk back to the car well he carries her bride style to the car.

"Well she told me to go outside and I saw a van and she tried injecting something in me but I turned around in time. Then I accidentally but purposely took out the shoe lace in my hair. I'm not broke okay it just easier to get it slick. I wrapped it around her neck and she stopped breathing ." Imani said and shows him her hand which had some rings on.

"Do you like my rings." She say's unbothered.

Andrew shakes his head at her. He was happy she was good but now he knew that the break in wasn't random but on purpose. Some one was looking for her.

He hated to think about it but he knew he had to get back into business.

As Imani lay asleep in her room in his t shirt and clean face he gets his phone and calls someone.

"Are you coming back?" Giovanni says into the phone after the first ring.

"I thought I could leave but I know better."

"I guess we're officially back in business."
Giovanni's says and ends the call. Giovanni walks up the stairs of his house seeing his Bodyguard standing there. With his son.

"Adriano." He says and his son turns around and jumps into his arms. The bodyguard turns around and looks at him. Giovanni scans her seeing some number tattooed or her wrist



Authors note

Things are getting interesting. We get into a glimpse into Giovanni and Lanea. But their time will come.

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