"It's a pleasure to finally meet
you Ava Jay"

The man stood before
her spoke with a thick Russian accent,
his hand still lingering on her cheek causing
her to flinch away harshly. Aj backed away from the man.

"I'm not going to hurt you.
I don't hurt people, I help them.
So tell me как ты здесь что-то находишь?"
    (How are you finding things here?)

AJ wanted to scream in his face and tell him that she hated him and his shitty read room but she couldn't, she was too scared. She shrugged slightly.

"Fine I guess" she whispered.

"And the training it's not to hard?"

"No" Aj spoke quietly,
it was hard but she could handle it.

"Good that's what I like to hear.
You're a tough one, you've got
a lot of potential. I think you may
even grow to be better then the Black
Widow herself" Dreykov told the girls.

AJ winced at the mention of Natasha,
"Don't talk about her" Aj plucked up the courage to say.

"Mothers can be touchy subjects I get
it. I had the same conversation with your
Sister not too long ago" Dreykov smirked,
"A piece of advice, forget about her. Forget about all of them, they didn't want you. They took you for granted. I won't. This is
where you belong"

AJ didn't have the energy or the right state of mind to argue with him. A part of her was convinced that perhaps he was right, they didn't want Aj. So why should she spend her time dwelling over them?

"I've decided to allow you to train with Victoria and Lyza from now on rather then Madame B. She seems to struggle to get
you to listen to her"

"ни черта"
(No shit)
Aj mumbled, she hated Madame B.

Dreykov chuckled at the girl, he saw a lot of
Natasha in her. She was fiery, witty, smart,great at combat. She ticked all the boxes,Dreykov knew he could make the girl his next best widow. He was just going to be weary and make sure this one didn't turn her back on him like his last one had.


Wanda had become a shell of her former self ever since she had gotten back from her time in isolation, as she had become so incredibly closed off and distant. Her condition had not only become quite visible to see physically, but it had also reached all-time low mentally. Tommy was growing extremely concerned.

"Wands speak to me" Tj spoke softly
as he sat beside her.

Wanda shook her head, if she spoke she'd just cry and she didn't want to cry anymore.

"I don't want to push you to talk Wanda
but I'm worried about you"

"I'm fine Tommy" Wanda said quietly.

Tommy nodded, he knew she wasn't fine but he wasn't going to force her to speak.
He decided that he would just talk and Wanda could join in if she felt up to it.

"Well you'll be happy to know that
the cows haven't gone out of business yet"
Tommy updated her on the news article he had read to her the other day.

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