~ The Kingdom of the Sea: Chapter 23 ~

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"How did that happen?" Catfish asked, signaling toward where Tsunami and Axolotl were disappearing with Trench.

"She was saving us," Hare explained. "Queen Coral ordered her guards to take us. Trench cut herself so her blood would temporarily blind the guards while we escaped through the tunnel."

Catfish smiled a little and watched as Tsunami's tail vanished into the leaves. "Trench has always put other dragons before herself." His smile faded as he added, "Even if it means risking herself."

"She'll be okay," Hare said comfortingly, though she didn't completely believe it herself.

Catfish just weakly nodded and turned his attention to the heap of sleeping dragons. "It's a good thing nobody will find you here. Did we wake you? Do you want to go back to sleep?"

Hare smiled and shook her head. "No, I've been wanting to see you, actually."

Besides, I don't think I'd be able to sleep. Not after what just happened. And three moons, I need to stop getting caught there.

Catfish's eyes lit up with curiosity. Hare couldn't help but admire how handsome he looked in the light of the setting sun. His whisker-like tendrils waved lightly in the soft wind. His blue eyes were bright and had a slight hint of pink in them due to the lighting. He was even more breathtaking than Hare ever realized.

"The princess wanted to see me?" Catfish chuckled and bowed. "Well, I'm honored. Come, let's sit over here."

Catfish led the way to the edge of the beach. Hare sat close beside him as the two settled down and looked out at the water. The waves washed up only inches away from their claws. The last rays of sun reflected on the water. Hare's and Catfish's wingtips brushed against each other as they sat in silence.

"So, I'm assuming meeting your aunt didn't go well?" Catfish said after a little while.

Hare laughed and shook her head. "No, not at all. I don't think she's very fond of me."

"Such a pity, I thought she'd be happy to meet you," Catfish replied.

Hare shrugged. "Well, not every dragon who meets me will like me, kin or not." She laughed again, sadly this time. "I don't even know if my own mother likes me anymore."

Catfish leaned closer to Hare. "Don't say that, I'm sure she loves you."

Hare didn't look at him. Maybe by some miracle, you're right.

Catfish shifted so they were sitting closer. "So, what's your plan now? I mean, you can't go back to the palace, can you?"

Hare shook her head. "No, they won't welcome us. They'll take us prisoner."

"Then where are you going to go?" Catfish asked.

Hare hesitated, then met his eyes. His look was almost hopeful.

Does he want us to stay here? Pain pierced through her heart. Oh, Catfish, I wish we could.

"We're leaving before the sun rises." The hurt look in his eyes was almost too much to bear. It took everything in her not to look away.

Catfish was the one who looked away instead. He looked back at the water, searching the waves. "I guess this is the last time we'll see each other then."

"No, no." Hare wrapped her tail around his. "We'll see each other again. I'll make sure of it, I promise."

Catfish looked back at Hare. "Will you even remember how to find us?"

Hare nodded. "I will. I'll remember every tree and rock that we fly by just so I can memorize the way here."

Catfish nodded. He was about to look away again when Hare quickly spoke. "There's actually something I need to tell you, before I leave."

Catfish tilted his head. Hare felt an odd warmth flow through her. "What is it?"

Hare hesitated.

I need to tell him. Who knows how long it'll be before we see each other again?

"I like you," Hare blurted. "A lot. Like, a lot, a lot."

Catfish blinked in surprise. For a moment, Hare wanted to take back everything she said and just disappear beneath the sand. She wanted to hide forever and never be seen again. Then his gaze softened.

"I like you, too," he said.

Hare felt like her heart was about to burst.

He likes me! Oh, thank the moons. Maybe we'll be able to figure something out, a way to see each other or a way to be together despite our distance. Maybe we can arrange a place to meet every night there's two half moons in the sky.

Her thoughts were quickly cut off as Catfish went on.

"But we can't be together."

Hare felt her heart twist painfully. "W-what do you mean?" she stuttered.

She saw her own pain reflected in Catfish's eyes. "We have very different paths we're following." He waved his wing to signal to his little spot. "I belong here. This is my home, with Axolotl and Trench and the other SeaWings." He looked at Hare and met her gaze again. "You belong with your friends, helping them with their destiny. They're your home. This is no place for you, and your destiny is no place for me."

Hare felt her eyes begin to water. She prayed Catfish couldn't see it. She swallowed the lump forming in her throat and nodded.

"Right, of course. I understand."

Hare looked away, unable to look into his eyes any longer. The plants behind them rustled. Hare looked behind her and saw Tsunami returning. Thankful for an excuse to move away, Hare got up and went over to her friend. She could feel Catfish's eyes on her.

Tsunami must have noticed something was wrong, because her gaze changed to one of concern. She lowered her voice as she asked, "Are you okay?"

Hare just nodded. Tsunami gave a single nod of her head. Louder, she said, "Axolotl is bringing Trench to get better care. We have to leave early. You should go back to sleep."

Hare hesitated. She knew Tsunami was just trying to do what she could to help take Hare's mind off of what was bothering her without making it too obvious that she knew anything. But despite how much her heart hurt, she kind of still wanted to see Catfish.

Tsunami's right, though. I should rest.

Hare turned and walked back to Catfish.

"Will you stay here until I leave?" she asked. "So we can say goodbye?"

Catfish just nodded. Hare turned away and went back to the pile of her sleeping friends. She settled beside Sunny and closed her eyes, hoping she'd fit in some sleep before their journey.

Wings of Fire: The Kingdom of the Sea | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now