Jr!Italy (North)

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(Credit: 奈梨 (Nanashi))

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(Credit: 奈梨 (Nanashi))

Human name: Luciana Vargas

Age: 15 

Gender: Female

Height: 1,67 m (5'6")

Birthday: 2nd of June


Papa: North Italy (Feliciano Vargas)

Dad: Germany (Ludwig Vargas)

Brother: Jr!Germany (Heinrich Vargas)

Uncles: Austria (Roderich Edelstein), Prussia (Gilbert Beilschmidt), South Italy (Lovino Vargas), Spain (Antonio Fernandez Carriedo) Switzerland (Basch Zwingli)

Aunts: Hungary (Elizabeta Héderváry), Liechtenstein

Soul protector: Leonardo da Vinci

Personality and interest:
Luciana is a creative girl with many ideas for solving problems. Her young brain mixed with energy makes her a ball of fresh view on on many issues. She is able to notice little details of fixing, sometimes even to the level she points out every single misstatement in someone's saying. She usually catches herself worrying too much about her plans not working, she must have a plan for every single thing that can go wrong even in things such as making a sandwich.

Luciana is not really confident with her ideas though. There is usually than one bit of uncertainty, so even when she plans out point to point, she needs someone to tell about it on her behalf or at least two weeks to built up enough courage.

With words piling up in her head her only remedy is drawing. They usually aren't great and just doodles she made without a second thought, but she didn't mind it at all. In fact, she liked that after so much thinking she can finally stop worrying about something being planned out.


Due to their differences in perceiving the world Heinrich is usually the one to calm her from spiraling into planning too much, even if that means pulling her away from her pin board by force. They usually fight over this, her calling him too lazy to plan anything. She eventually listens to him when she is too tired to even get up from her chair. Also, since her brother is much taller he puts food he wants on higher shelves so Luciana can't grab it, which annoys her a lot. Still, she cares about Heinrich, making sure he always has everything he needs with him (not quite understanding he is an adult and can take care of himself).

North Italy
Italy cares for Luciana, making sure she doesn't overwork herself and is always rested. He makes his kids the best dishes and loves to do fun activities with his family, such as board games and trips to town. He's really cuddly and he has to give her at least 10 kisses a day. He always knows what his daughter needs and is ready to listen to her struggles. Yeah, his advice is not always the best, but he tries to understand his daughter's feelings as much as he can. 

Ludwig guarantees his daughter is disciplined. He is firm about rules, he doesn't let her stay past 11 PM, but he wants what's best for her. He taught his daughter many useful skills, such as reading from lips or noticing mood based on eye and body motion. He is always ready to protect Luciana but still makes her take responsibility if something was her fault. Luciana is also the person he speaks to when he needs to come up with idea and his old methods doesn't work.

South Italy
As a godfather he has to ensure that Luciana is spoiled to the core. He always comes on visits with gifts for her with everything she  ̶n̶e̶e̶d̶s̶  wants so he usually ends up arguing with Germany. He also gives her advice on outfits, he taught her the basics and thanks to him she knows how to make even the least stylish clothes work. 

In the past Luciana was more excited around Gilbert as he was that one cool uncle always ready to go adventures and play with them. With time, however, as he got older and isn't able to do so much like he used to, she just grew older. Of course, she still loves her uncle and is grateful for all the memories he made, worried about his health though.

In the past he gave Luciana some music lessons, but quickly noticed she didn't like them so he stopped. For now, they are not in any deeper connection.

Luciana and Natalie since kids 'till this day get along very well, matching their brainstorms and willing to plan, with Natalie being the more outspoken one. She usually has to tell out Luciana's ideas she made up and Luciana pulls her out of trouble when she is about to blow.

Leonardo da Vinci
As one of the greatest and most creative man of all times Leonardo is the power cell of Luciana's mind. In exchange of giving his opinion about her solutions she shows him all of his creations that gave a life to modern machines, such as flying machines and tanks. He is no help in his her workaholizsm. Why? Because he also has it. And it is much wolne than Luciana's. Especially after he discovered coffee. He also loves to talk with her about boys since she is still in her teenage years and he wasn't able to be openly gay in his times.

Name meaning:
Luciana is an Italian feminine form of Lucianus which means light



Hi everyone! Thank you for reading first chapter of my version of new generation for Hetalia!

Again, I apologize for using Picrew as a reference image, but as someone with zero drawing talent I prefer to show you in this form than... whatever monster my hands would create. If somebody is an author of any of those Picrew's and wish for it to not be used should contact me in the comments and it will be removed immediately.

In the later chapters, I will explain what a Soul protector is but for now it's basically a soul of dead person who helps a young country throughout their journey until they take the role of their parents.

I really hope you stay here for longer! See you all soon! Have a great day! ❤

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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