First Ultrasound (Pregnancy Series Matt)

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Matt and I walked into the doctor's office signing in before sitting in the waiting room. Matt held my hand as we waited "what if it's twins?" I whispered to him, he chuckled "then we have two more little ones to love and the kids get two more siblings." He replied kissing my knuckles. The nurse came and got us, taking us to a room "ok Mrs Lillard, if you can please take everything off from the waist down, and sit on the table with the blanket over your lap." The nurse asked before leaving the room. I did what she asked, sitting on the table holding Matt's hand as the nurse knocked on the door before walking in. The nurse got everything ready while explaining everything "so since you're most likely only a few weeks to a month, we'll be doing a vaginal ultrasound." She said. I nodded laying back placing my feet in the stirrups letting my knees fall to the sides as she did the ultrasound. Matt and I looked at the screen seeing a little blob that we both knew was our new addition to the family. "So by the looks of the size and everything you are around a month and a half pregnant." The nurse said as she took the wand to clean it and so I could clean myself up and get redressed. Matt and I walked into the hallway heading to make my next appointment as the nurse came over with pictures for us. We thanked her before leaving to go home.

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