A day in the capital

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I've been observing her for some time, but she seems to be good at hiding her emotions quit well, the other maids are good at keeping a bright smile on their face, but she seems to be completely stoic almost like a doll, I can't even tell what kind of feeling she's having.

"However please promise me you won't go wondering in anymore back-alleys milady."
Rin said in a serious tone, completely different from her usual tone.

"Of course, I don't want to go through that ever again you know."

Scarlett said.

Remembering when she was about to be mug by two elderly men in an alley made her turn pale.

"Don't worry I will keep an eye on her, so you can rest easy."

I said confidently. I have been practicing my magic a lot lately and I've also been learning self-defence I'm confident I've gotten a lot stronger, and I'm now capable of taking on any thug we might run into.

"Very well I'll leave your highness in your care."

Rin said in a flat tone, however there was a faint smile on her face.
Thus, Scarlett and I head out into the capital, while we were walking, I notice the town seem a bit lively, we were currently walking alongside a large group of people who were laughing along and had happy expression on their faces, however some people weren't so happy the people with animal like features were glaring at the normal looking people it was Clear they didn't think highly of each other.

The war took place three hundred years ago it's amazing how people can hold a grudge for that long. Scarlett had a sad look on her face as she observes the humans and demi humans arguing with each other.

"You know I always wanted to do something about the discrimination of demi humans but... I really don't know how."
She muttered with a gloomy face.

(I see so she wants to get rid of the discrimination between the races, it's a noble dream but not one that can be made reality so easily with her authority as a princess it may be possible, but not everyone will just agree to that)

I thought to myself.

Of course, her authority as princess is more effective inside her own kingdom so the discrimination won't just go away because she's a princess.

Who knows how hard it is in the other neighbouring kingdoms discrimination is something that can't be rid of so easily, after all not everyone is considered equal so not everyone is going to be treated with equality, if it was that easy then there wouldn't be any need for social status ranking, some people will always view the world in black and white, it's hard to find someone who wants equality.

Back in my own world it was the same.
Reality is cruel isn't it.

I made a conflicted expression.

We both had been walking for an hour I was currently observing the nearby building the houses were all painted in various different colours.

Of course, they were all beautiful the structure was well made even to my amateur eyes I could easily tell it was made by a skilled carpenter; the district was bustling with people everywhere you look.
the area was also noisy with the shout of children running around.

Scarlett looked at them with a gentle gazed.
She then stops walking as she then turn to look at a particular building, it was a huge building unlike the other building this one was extremely huge and had a giant crest with two swords going a cross it.
There was also a sign that says, "Adventure guild all those who wish to take on a quest can sign up."

"So that's the Adventure guild huh?"

I said as I stared at the building curiously.

"Yes, the guild is responsible for subjugating the monsters lurking in the nearby forest."

The Second Incarnation of the God of Creationحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن