What If? pt. 4

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Kara's POV
We went outside and the Speed Stinger ran back to his pack. The Skrill threw Ember on her back and took off. I started running to Liv, hoping she would see me and have her big metal beast pick me up. Then, out of no where, the Death Song I saved snatched me up and tossed me on his back. We flew up to the others. "Whos your new friend?" Sif asked. She's riding the Timberjack. "That's Ember. I wouldn't exactly say friend." I said. "Whatever you say shorty." Ember said. I rolled my eyes. A shot of bright green acid flew towards us and we all backed up. It went down and hit some arrows that were shooting up at the Skrill. Ember looked up and Harvey smiled down at her. "Your welcome!" She said. "Did you just save me?" Ember said shocked. Harvey shrugged. "Maybe." She said. Ember smiled respectfully. "Ok, lets move out before we all get shot." I said. We all went to leave. "Fire!" We heard. We looked back and saw Ivar shoot a harpoon at Harvey and the Changewing. "Plasma blast!" Someone yelled. The harpoon was blasted out of the air and Zephyr flew over to us. "Hey girls! Figured you needed some help. Now lets go." She said. We took off.

Harvey flew by Zephyr. "Hey. Thanks for that." She said. "No problem." Zephyr told her. Harvey looked at her in awe and I chuckled at it. Ivy looked really sad. "Hey, what's up?" I asked. "My dad didn't make it." She said simply. I was suddenly sorry I asked. "I'm sorry for your loss." I said sadly. "Thanks. But hey, with losses come new gains. Now I have Trailblazer here." She said, trying to cheer herself up. Liv looked over at her. "Hey. If you wanna get your mind off things, why don't you help me with this guy? I think with some thinner armor, he could go a lot faster. Isn't that right Steel?" Liv said, gesturing to her dragon. Ivy perked up a little. "Yeah that sounds like fun." She said. The two smiled at each other and I fell back beside Ember. "Gross. Too much love is happening right now." I said. "Tell me about it. If I had any gag reflex left, Id throw up." Ember said, jokingly. I smiled at her joke. We looked at each other for a moment and then laughed. "All of you are gross! I'm out of here!" Sif said, and took off. We all looked at her, then each other, and then took off after her.

Back to the real world
Harvey's POV
I woke up in the middle of the night, after having an insane dream, but I now I know. Even if Sif had been taken, everything would still be the same. I looked beside me but Zephyr wasnt there. So I got up and ran outside. "Camo?" I called out. He came out of Kara's hut and ran to me. I hugged him. "Hey buddy. Sorry about earlier." I said. He hummed. "Where's Zephyr? Can you bring me to her?" I asked. He perked up and I got on him.

He brought me to the dragon arena where all my friends and new recruits were training. "Am I still dreaming?" I asked confused. Ivy landed behind me on Camo and smacked me in the head. "Did you feel that?" She asked. "Ow! Yes." I said. "Then you're not dreaming. Welcome to our night club." She said. She jumped off Camo and Trailblazer caught her. I followed her down and joined the others. "I don't understand." I said. "We're preparing for the battle." Liv told me. "Its only been two days." I said confused. "Yeah well, you should thank your girl. She's crazy." Liv said. "Oh shut up!" Zephyr said walking to me. She hugged me and I hugged back with a laugh. "Are you feeling better?" She asked. I nodded. "Yeah." I said. "Good. Cause your sister is starting to be better than you." She said. I laughed. "Ha! Not possible" I said. "You wanna put your mutton where your mouth is?" Sif asked. I looked up at her, flying above me. "Sure! Lets see what you got, sister." I said. She laughed and we took off.

Sif and I flew side by side. "I'm really glad you came around." She said. "Yeah. Me too." I said. There was a short silence. "So, how did you get them to like you?" I asked. "It wasnt easy. Especially with Ember and I's history." She said. "What history?" I asked. "We were together. Briefly. Until I dumped her" she said. "Oh wow." I said. She shrugged. "But after some training, and by that I mean Kara and Ember beating me up for a few hours, we worked it out. I think the only people that have real tension with me now are you, and Zephyr." She said. "Zephyr?" I asked confused. "She sure does love you Harvey. You got lucky with that one. She hates me as long as you're not sure about me." She said. "Oh I'm sure about you. I'm sure you're one of the weirdest people I've ever met." I said. She laughed. "Don't say that too loud. Ivy might get jealous." She said. I chuckled. "I don't hate you Sif. I'm actually glad to have you. I've spent my whole life wondering about my family and hating them for giving me up. And now I just have mixed feelings about it. Because I wouldn't have wanted to stay with them, but I'm happy that I have you." I said. "And what about your dad?" She asked. "My dad?... oh! Gorm? He's got a special place in my heart. He's more than just my mentor. He's my friend, and I do love him deeply." I said. "I'm just glad you guys didn't kill me on sight." She said. I laughed. "No. We couldn't do that. You were already supposed to be dead!" I said. She shrugged. "Oops." She said. We laughed. "Why don't you come eat dinner with me and Gorm tomorrow night?" I asked. "Really?" She asked shocked. "Yeah. I'm sure he wont kill you." I said. She laughed nervously. "Are you sure about that?" She asked. I laughed and flew ahead of her. "You didn't answer!" She said. I just smiled to myself as she internally panicked.

"I'm glad you're feeling better babe. I was really worried about you." Zephyr told me. We're in our hut. I smiled. "Well, now I know that no matter what could have happened in the past, nothing would ever change what's happening right now. I would still be here with you, fighting for the ones we love." I said taking her hands in mine. She smiled back at me. "Are you sure you're ready for this? We're launching our attack in the morning." She said. "Me? Of course. I'm the one who started this mess. Its about time I clean it up." I said. "I cant believe you're so calm." She said shocked. "I have nothing to worry about." I said. She sighed with a smile. "Whatever you say." She said. I smirked and punched her in the gut. "Ow! What was that for?" She asked. "Payback!" I said. I grabbed her and pulled her in to kiss her. "And that's for everything else." I said.

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