Season 1 episode 1:This is the part where you run

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"Why do we have to show him around?" a 15 year old Edith groans , she has been pulled out of bed by her triplet sisters and forced to get dressed because they have to show a new werewolf around.

"Because dad asked us to so stop complaining E and move it" Josie drags her sister outside as Edith lets out a groan and walks always her two sisters.

"Come E it won't be that bad" Lizzie says to her older sister , Edith looks at Lizzie with a really look while they walk down the hallway.

"Oh yes , showing around a new turned werewolf who can't control his anger yeah it sounds like great fun let's a get a few shots while we are at it" Edith gives Lizzie a fake smile while her and her two sisters walk.

.~           .~

"I see dad's car" Josie tells her two sisters as they stand in oldest to youngest order.

Josie Edith and then Lizzie as they watch there father's car approaching.

"Oh goody" Edith rolls her eyes as the car parks up near the triplets.

"Welcome to the Salvatore school" Lizzie greats the newly found werewolf with a smile same as Josie's
and Edith is just there.

"We're you're tour guides" Lizzie adds as Edith rolls her eyes and gives a fake smile, "I'm Josie" Josie introduces herself with a smile, both Lizzie and Josie think this new werewolf is cute where Edith isn't even into boys.

"I'm Lizzie and this is Edith" Lizzie introduces herself and Edith who just gives a fake smile and acting like she wants to be here, that is a lot harder said then done.

"Sisters" Lizzie adds keeping her ocean blue eyes glued to him, "triplets" Josie adds to the conversation her chocolate brown eyes also glued to him.

"Fraternal obvs" Lizzie smirks a bit, Edith looks at her sisters then looks at her father and basically begs him to let her leave. Alaric just gives her a look , "Rafeal why don't you go with the girls , Edith can you come to the office with me please while I talk to Landon" Alaric gives them all something to do, both Lizzie and Josie take Rafeal by the arms and start to walk with him and wave but to there sisters.

"Morning Hope" all 3 girls says to Hope , Edith gives Hope the fakest smile ever seen. "Morning girls morning Edith" Hope says the triplets , "more like despair" Lizzie tells making Edith snicker and look down at the ground.

"I heard that" Hope informs shooting a glare at Edith , "no you didn't" Lizzie calls back as Edith just smirks more watching.

"Didn't have to" Hope keeps this going , Edith looks at Landon with somewhat of judgemental eyes , his hair looks a lot like a rats nest to Edith.

"Everyone behave" Alaric interjects the girls fighting and gives Edith a look to stop laughing making her shut up.

"Love you dad" Lizzie and Josie call out their dad and look back at him while walking off.

Siphoner of love (Hope Mikealson x fem oc)Where stories live. Discover now