ACT 1- New Beginnings

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With a hefty box cradled in her arms, Grey Summers stood poised before the entrance of her new apartment, a space she would soon come to call home

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With a hefty box cradled in her arms, Grey Summers stood poised before the entrance of her new apartment, a space she would soon come to call home. Her mother, bustling past her, hurriedly searched for the keys amidst the jumble of items in her purse. "Left pocket," Grey offered with a knowing smile. Her mother shot her a quick glance before retrieving the keys from - as Grey had predicted - her left pocket. Suppressing the urge to utter an "I told you so," Grey merely bit her lip in restraint.

As the door swung open under her mother's efforts, Grey watched as she deftly maneuvered the two bulky boxes into the threshold, one strategically propped against the door to prevent it from shutting. "Bring your boxes to your room; it's the first one to the right," her mother instructed briskly.

In a manner that bespoke experience, Grey navigated through the doorway, her arms bearing the weight of her belongings as she followed her mother's directive.

"First door to the left," Grey mentally repeated as she approached the dark wooden door, its sides bearing the many signs of frequent use, scuffed from being slammed shut on numerous occasions. Setting down her box, Grey reached for the door handle and pushed it open with deliberate care. Stepping into the room cautiously, she allowed herself to absorb the essence of her new room, the space she would inhabit for the future.

The room unfolded before her, a panorama of promise and potential. The view, she noted with a tinge of satisfaction, offered a sweeping panorama of London, its beauty stretching out beneath her gaze. The presence of large windows heightened the sense of expansiveness, flooding the room with natural light that danced off the white blinds, adding an air of serenity to the space.

Exhaling softly, Grey moved to the side, setting her box down as she turned to assist her mother with the remaining belongings.

Later that evening, with most of the boxes emptied from their car, Grey and her mother found themselves seated on the floor of their new home, the gentle hum of the radio providing a soothing backdrop as they indulged in Chinese takeout. Grey sat in silence, her gaze fixed ahead, absently chewing on a stubborn piece of broccoli.

"I think you'll like it here," her mother offered, breaking the quietude. Grey lifted her head, mustering a faint smile. "You think so?" she replied, her tone laced with uncertainty.

Her mother's gaze drifted toward the window, where the twinkling lights of bustling late-night London illuminated the cityscape. "Yeah, I do. It's a fresh start, right? New friends and all that stuff Grandma used to talk about in those books she sent us," her mother remarked with a hint of amusement.

Grey couldn't help but chuckle at her mother's candid response. "I thought you didn't read books," she teased lightly.

Her mother shrugged nonchalantly. "Sometimes I do."

The warmth of their exchange was abruptly interrupted by the shrill ringing of the house phone. Grey's smile faded as she glanced toward the intrusive sound. "Really? Can't they just wait? We're eating," she grumbled.

But her mother rose from her seat, a sense of duty etched in her expression. "I'm a doctor, honey. Injured patients can't wait," she reminded Grey before stepping away to answer the call.

With her appetite vanished, Grey rose from her seat and tidied up the leftovers of their dinner. As she cleared away the dishes, her mind swirled with a mixture of emotions. Once the kitchen was restored to order, Grey retreated to her new bedroom, settling upon the modest mattress placed on the floor beside the window.

Reaching into her backpack, Grey retrieved her  diary, its pages a safe place for her innermost thoughts and reflections. With practiced ease, she poured her heart onto the blank sheets, capturing the essence of her day and the many emotions that besieged her. Writing was her freedom, a means of processing the chaos of change that surrounded her.

Lost in her writing, Grey barely noticed the passage of time until the clock struck 11 pm, and her mother's voice faded into silence, signaling the end of her nightly duties. With a sigh, Grey tucked her diary beneath the mattress, before retreating to the bathroom to complete her nightly routine.

Cleansed and refreshed, Grey selected her pajamas for the week ahead before cocooning herself under the scratchy blanket that adorned her bed. Clutching her teddy bear tightly to her chest, Grey succumbed to the weight of her emotions, her silent sobs muffled by the darkness of the night. In the solitude of her new room, surrounded by unfamiliarity, Grey allowed herself to grieve for the life she had left behind, yearning for the comfort of familiarity and the presence of her father. Despite her inner struggles, Grey blamed herself for her tears, ashamed of the vulnerability that threatened to consume her.

Grey jolted upright with a gasp, her blanket tangling her limbs as darkness enveloped the room. A unfamiliar sense of unease lingered in the air, casting a sinister shadow over her surroundings. With trembling hands, Grey detangled herself from the suffocating embrace of her blanket, her bare feet meeting the cool stone of the floor below.

Driven by a primal instinct, she reached her way through the oppressive darkness, her voice barely a whisper as she called out for her mother. Panic began to claw at the edges of her consciousness, threatening to engulf her in its embrace. Her fingers fumbled desperately for the familiar contours of a light switch.

But as she stood paralyzed by fear, the strange sound of footsteps echoed in the silence, drawing closer with each passing moment. A shiver ran down Grey's spine as she hesitated, torn between the instinct to call out for her mother and the gnawing dread that gripped her heart.

And then, in a moment of desperate clarity, her trembling hand found the switch, and with a flicker of hope, she plunged the room into light. But what greeted her was not the comforting glow of safety, but the terrifying silhouette of a lion, its ferocious roar pounding through the room as it leapt towards her with harmful intent.

Grey's scream pierced the air as she braced herself for the inevitable impact, her heart hammering in her chest as terror consumed her. And then, as suddenly as it had begun, the nightmare shattered like glass, leaving Grey drenched in sweat and trembling with the remains of her terror.

With a ragged breath, she clung to the fragile reality of being awake, grateful to have escaped her odd nightmare.

Grey pulled herself from the tangled confines of her mattress, smoothing out the wrinkles of her pajamas with determined resolve. Each footstep echoed through the silent apartment as she navigated her way to the living room, where the ambient glow of the city provided a moment of peace along the darkness that had haunted her dreams.

With hesitant steps, Grey approached her mother's bedroom, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and longing. "Mom," she whispered, gently shaking her mother's form. There was no immediate response. "Mommy," she tried again, her voice tinged with a plea for comfort.

Her mother stirred slightly, a soft hum escaping her lips in acknowledgment. Sensing an unspoken invitation, Grey cautiously climbed into the bed beside her mother, the familiarity of their closeness offering a sliver of reassurance in the dark.

It had been a long time since Grey had shared a room with her mother, the space left by her father's absence serving as an unspoken barrier between them. But as she nestled into the warmth of her mother's embrace, Grey realized that it was time to bridge that divide, to seek solace in the presence of the one person who had always been her anchor in times of uncertainty.

And as sleep slowly reclaimed her, Grey found a measure of peace in the simple act of being close to her mother, a silent acknowledgment of the need for connection in the face of life's ever-present challenges.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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