test 1

14 1 0

Y/N/M - hey Y/N get ready your In-laws will be visiting today

Y/N - ohh I totally forgot

after one hour your In-laws came and you went down you wore this

after one hour your In-laws came and you went down you wore this

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your outfit

Y/N - hi everyone sorry if I am late

Suga/M - no it's completely fine

after half hour

Suga/M - if you both wanna talk you can

Suga - no it's fine

Y/N - I want to talk 😒

you walked inside your room and he followed

after a minute of silence Y/N finally
broke it

Y/N - so you are suga

Suga - yes

Y/N - ok listen I have some tests for you and if you pass in it then only I will marry you

Suga - ok

but you suddenly you fell while going down stairs but he grabbed you from waist

Suga - now let's see who will pass the test

you just stayed silent😳😳

* Suga's pov *

she entered the hall she was looking like an angle she was looking very beautiful she said I have to pass some tests and I agreed I don't wanna lose her . after some talk she fell from the stairs and the next movement I was holding her . I was getting inside the car but suddenly heard a voice it was Y/N she said [ tomorrow 10 am ] she said me to pick her up at 10 am . Maybe It's my first test

* end of Suga's pov

next day

Y/N - mom, dad bye I m going

your outfit

I went out and saw some cars waiting suddenly suga came and gestured me to sit in the car

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I went out and saw some cars waiting suddenly suga came and gestured me to sit in the car

suga - so where are we going

Y/N - just drive I will display the location

the drive was silent , they reached the location

suga - what is this ??

Y/N - this is a waterfall

suga - this is not waterfall these are stairs

Y/N - will you wait

suga - ok

Y/N - so this is your first test . this is a waterfall which is after 1000 steps of stairs you have to carry me in a bridal style and go and come back are you ready if not say me

suga - I'm ready , anything for you babe

then he carried you and was going down but after 10 steps Y/N suddenly spoke

Y/N - can you please go back once I forgot to take my hand bag

suga - ok

after 450 steps

Y/N - you must be tired let's take a break there's a siting area there

suga - no I am not tired

Y/N - but I am

suga - how can you be tired I am the one caring you

Y/N - but I am please

suga - fine

after a break

Y/N - let's go

you reached the end while taking some rests because you knew he is also a human no matter how much he denied but you convinced him

the view

 I know it's fake

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I know it's fake

after reaching down he placed you down carefully the view was amazing but suddenly you saw a flower like a rose on a top of a rock it was to high to take it from hand you tried but no can't get it then suddenly a idea popped in your mind

Y/N - suga can you please get me that flower

you pointed at it


Ok that's it in today's part see you later byee take care 💗

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Ok that's it in today's part see you later byee take care 💗

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