AU #1.1: Fated I

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A/N: So I lied. I should've known that when I started world-building, that I'd go overboard. Too much world-building... haha. So this one isn't gonna be a one-shot after all. This one is set in past Egypt and present London.


I found myself standing in a throne room, in all its full gloryhigh walls, huge columns, and golden statues lining the whole room.

Sun beams casted a golden glow in the massive space, the pharaoh's guards flanked both sides as I walked towards the throne, where the pharaoh himself sat.

I knelt down on one knee and bowed my head before the great Thutmose. He is my pharaoh, the evening and morning star. And this is what I swore to do as long as I live—to serve in his honor.

"Rise, Metchet, my loyal servant," the pharaoh greeted me.

I bowed once more and stood tall before him, my hands clasped in front of me. My arms flexed, and the golden bands on my arms probably glinted in the light. And I couldn't help the tiny smirk on my face. These bands make me feel proud, for they signify my status—the only high-ranking female warrior in the pharaoh's legion of army.

Not only that, but I was their Commander. And one day, they will know the name Metchet—and what it stood for.

"You wanted to speak to me, my liege," I found myself saying, my voice almost echoing throughout the room.

"Indeed. I have a new task for you," the pharaoh said.

I nodded once, "Ask and it shall be done."

Thutmose smiled at me and he gestured at the palace guards to the side of the throne.

The guards responded without any more prompting, and they opened the massive doors—and I swear I thought it was the goddess Isis herself entering the room.

I immediately bowed my head, averting my eyes from the woman. The pharaoh does not like it when anyone gazes upon his most prized possessions—this woman could be a mistress, though I'm not sure.

I kept my head down.

"You may look up," the pharaoh then told me, and so I did.

I kept my gaze at him, but I could feel the woman's gaze on me—it felt like prickling needles on my skin, it was odd...but somehow delightful.

"Metchet, I would like you to meet my daughter, Anahi..."

So it was true. I had only heard of this secret daughter, but had never seen her. She has always been kept from the public eye, and with that radiance, I'm not surprised—no one was deserving to simply gaze at her beauty.

"My dear Anahi, this is Metchet."

It was only then did I let my eyes wander over to the pharaoh's daughter, and goddess, she was even more beautiful up close. I'm blinded by her. Truly captivated.

That long black hair... those round eyes and perfect pink lips... those curves...

I am in awe.

And when her eyes met mine, I felt my heart race in my chest, almost like I was at war and she was my battlecry.

"Anahi is most precious to me," the pharaoh had said. "And there had been a recent incident, an attempt on her life. Metchet, I would like for you to watch over her. Be her protector and shadow."

I stared back at the pharaoh and nodded at him. Others may see it as an insult, but I do not.

I looked back at the woman, finding a slight smile on her lips. I nodded once at her and bowed my head slightly.

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