Andras Pandy: the man who made 6 family members disappear.

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Trigger warning: assault, abuse and murder

This case is a Belgian case and when I was doing research about it, my brain exploded.
Andras Pandy, born on January first 1927 in Hungary, there is not much known about his childhood. He worked in a church in Hungary around the age of 30. Around that time he meets his first wife named Ilona Sores, around the end of the year they decide to move from Hungary to Belgium Brussel. He becomes a pastor in a Protestant Hungarian Church in his neighborhood in Belgium and he starts giving religion classes in high schools. In 19858 Ilona and Andres welcome their first child Agnes, two years later they get their second child Daniel, in 1966 they get their third child Zoltan. When Pandy accuses his wife of cheated on him Ilona leaves with Daniel. Anges and Pandy get a sexual relationship (Anges was at the moment 11 years old.) Andras meets his second wife Edith via a newspaper advertisement. Edith had three children of herself. Timea, Andrea and Tünde. In 1979 they marry. Later he adopted the three daughters of Edith. Later Pandy and Edith got two children Andras and Réka. Later he also starts using Timea for sex. In 1984 Timea gets pregnant with Pandy's baby. In 1985 Timea goes towards the cops to tell them her stepsister Agnes his her with a metal pipe (she was still pregnant at the time) the police didn't take it serious and asked Andras about it. he told the police that it was just an argument and that Timea was hallucinating. Later it came to light that Agnes was actually trying to kill Timea, because she was jealous of the relationship between her father and Timea. Timea gives birth later on of a healthy child named Mark. Timea gets sent to Canada by her mom, to stay with family. Because Edith is scared for her daughter and grandson. Before she goes Timea tells her mother that Andras is actually the father of her son Mark. At the end of June 1986, Pandy killed his own wife with a hammer in the basement. Pandy told his daughter Anges what he would do with his wife and Andrea, so Anges goes towards the basement. Meanwhile Pandy walks upstairs and kills Andrea with the same hammer. There are two dead bodies of which they have to get rid, so he cut the bodies is pieces with a saw in the basement, afterwards he put body parts in a bath of acid to be more precise sinkunglogger. After a week the two bodies had been dissolved in the acid and they disposed the consents of the bath in the drain at the street. Agnes took the role as 'mother figure' as soon as Edith had 'disappeared'. She also took the role as partner up on her. daughter and father had a actual romantic relationship. Three months after the disappearance of Andrea and Edith, Pandy goes towards the police, to tell them that Edith and Andrea had gone missing, he tells them that Edith left towards Germany and he got a card telling him that he didn't have to worry. The police thought it was strange that he only came towards them after three months. Two years later Pandy kills his next victim. Daniel called Pandy by his first name which had insulted him and Pandy decides that Daniel has to be killed too. This Anges doesn't only help with the disposal of the bodies but also with killing her own brother. She shoots one bullet through the back of his head, afterwards she runs away and hears her father Pandy shoot Daniel another four to five times. Afterwards Ilona, Pandy's first wife is groomed towards Pandy's house, telling her that Daniel became sick and that she had to come over immediately. Anges shoots her own mother through the back of her head. Afterwards they did the same to the bodies as two years prior. Later Zoltan was killed and did the same to his body. In 1990 two years after the murder of Zoltan, Tünde gets a boyfriend. nobody actually knows if Tünde her boyfriend was the actual cause, but Pandy decided to kill Tünde. Anges didn't help with that murder, but Pandy sent her and his two youngest children on a 3day holiday. When Agnes returns and asks about Tünde Pandy replied that he sent her to a foster family. But Agnes knew that Pandy had actually killed her sister. Agnes calls Tünde's boyfriend to tell him that Tünde didn't want him anymore and she went to Hungary as a lie to cover up he'd never see Tünde again. in 1992 Agnes goes towards the police to tell them that she's been raped by her dad. The raping between him and Agnes lasted until Anges was 30 years old. Pandy denies everything and they let him go, but luckily they take away Pandy's youngest daughter and she goes towards a foster family. In 1997 after Marc Dutroux (let me know if I need to do one about this as well) people look into Pandy and the disappeared family members. They only have three people to question, the youngest son, Anges and Pandy. At the time of the disappearances Pandy's youngest son was only 5 to 6 years old, so he wouldn't know anything. Pandy said he was in Hungary. Anges doesn't say anything, so they ask the youngest son. He was sixteen at the moment, so didn't have a diver's license. Keep in mind Pandy was in Hungary at the time. The youngest son tells the police his father dropped him off. The police comes in action and go towards his house with a house-warrant. When they reach the basement they find freezer bags with hair inside. Pandy gives as explanation that when the girls go towards the hairdresser they keep the hair and if they had enough they'd make pillows out of it. after a while they had to release Pandy but went further investigating and they found a hipbone. Pandy told the police his house must have been on an old graveyard. But they also found a package of snacks with a date on it from 1998 (the investigation ran around that time. This bone isn't linked to any of the six family members he killed. The police found the amount of acid in his house suspicious. Around the saw on the floor there was a lot of scobs. It absorbed the blood that fell on the ground. They ask Agnes for answer and after a long time, she opens her mouth. Anges tells them that she was brainwashed by her father. She also tells the police about the murder attempt at Timea. The police wants to know what happened to the rest, and Anges tells everything, from the first murder to the last one and the disposal of the bodies. The police couldn't believe the way they made the bodies disappear and ran a test with a bone of a cow and a piece of cow meat in the same acid as they used. Later they came to the conclusion it worked, but later they test it with a dead person who donated his body to science. Pandy is confronted with everything but still denies everything. The police finds Pandy's notebooks, but he had written them in Hungarian and they let it translate it, he wrote detailed about every day in his life. In 2002 the trial starts Pandy and Anges are both present but Anges sits as far away from her father as possible. Pandy was sentenced with a lifelong imprisonment. He died at the end of December 2013. Anges got 21 years and us already free.

Rest in peace: Daniel, Ilona, Edith, Andrea, Tünde and Zoltan. I hope you can find your peace in heaven. 

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