-Untouched Yearning-

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Geto finally regained his composure and made his way to the "Ritz Carlton Tokyo", his friend Sukuna came from an affluent background not only that, he has created his very own chain of cocktail bars across the globe 'MementoMori', he met Sukuna when he was in London studying for a year while he was enlisted for a coffee brewing course. To Geto, Sukuna wasn't someone who was like Yuki; she was practically family to Geto. Sukuna was a dear friend, who saw him for who he was, not for what he could be or was in the past. That was perhaps Sukuna's nature but Geto didn't mind it, he could always feel at ease with Sukuna unlike how he felt with Yuki; she knew too much about Geto, it made him overburdened with responsibilities and constantly reminded him of his past mistakes. 

Geto soon arrived at the destination, the hotel was opulent to say the least, the interior was the epitome of classiness and lavishness. He went straight to the bar which was luckily on the first floor. 

He found Sukuna sitting alone in the private dining room, of course wearing his Versace suit sipping on some expensive wine. Geto entered the room and earned a "Tch" from Sukuna. 

"Your Highness is here." Sukuna commented, Geto sat on the opposite direction to him.

"Good evening to you too." 

"You look awful." 

"You bet." 

"What'll you have?" 

"Whisky on the rocks please." Sukuna called the waiter to take their order and ordered a bottle of Merlot for himself, they only picked up their conversation when the waiter left. 

"Now something is definitely up with you...You don't have whisky out of nowhere." Sukuna was right, Geto was in a dire need of a distraction...he was overwhelmed these days he didn't even feel like showing up for work. He constantly sighed. 

"That's a lot of sighing Geto-san."

"I don't know man...Should I just give up on Meraki?" Sukuna got up and smacked Geto on the head. 

"Did that drill some sense into you or should I smack you one more time?" Geto broke into a subtle giggle. 

"Yeah that was enough." Sukuna sat right next to Geto because he sensed something was unusual about him. 

"Go on...I'm listening tell me what's bothering you?" 

"I'm tired...just so worn out...these days even waking up is difficult...I don't even feel like showing up to work anymore...I don't know how I'll deal with her...I'll just let her take that place, she won't let me live in peace unless she gets what she wants...How did I even marry that woman is beyond me what did I even see in her? She's manipulative, vicious everything that I run away from." Sukuna kept listening to Geto, he didn't say anything before Geto finished. 

"Listen about that wrench I told you I would deal with her, why are you worrying about her? What does that bitch want? money right? I'll throw it on her face, there problem solved. Now tell me what else is bothering you? Listen to me Suguru nobody is taking Meraki away from you." 

"I already owe you so much, I can't let you do one more favor for me. This is something I have to deal with, but I just don't know how? I'm lacking something...I don't have the desire to go on anymore." 

"Stop with that bullshit you get me? And what's so bad about asking for help if you can't do it alone...Yuki and I am with you, so why are you taking it on yourself Suguru." Geto leaned backwards taking support of the couch. 

"Anyways let's forget this...tell me what are you up to." Sukuna knew Geto wanted to deflect this situation and so he let him, by then their drinks had arrived and Geto gulped down the entire drink in one go, Sukuna thought of stopping him but he knew Geto wouldn't stop otherwise. 

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