🍬 A smile worth it all 🌟

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(Might be really ooc since i held c.ai hostage to make this-)

WonderlandsxShowtime doesn't exist in this AU, Emu set out to be an idol having a goal to make everyone around the world smile while Tsukasa set out to be an idol wanting to become famous but still make everyone around the world smile. You can leave it to your imagination on how they found eachother and started working together.


As an idol Emu was loved by millions. She put on a smile to always shine in front of the crowd. She had a goal, she lived for it. Tsukasa he was a proud and loud character who loved the spotlight just as much as the next. He wanted to be the biggest star in the world. These two had a lot in common but yet they were so different. When these two started working together things changed for the better. Their relationship grew and they realized they might not need millions to love. Because all they needed was each other.


No ones POV:

After another successful show together, Emu and Tsukasa were now backstage because before the show Tsukasa asked Emu to meet him backstage.

"So, you've never been in love?" Tsukasa asked.

Emu frowned as she thought back to her past. No one had made her feel this way before. Maybe... but not quite like Tsukasa.

"I don't think I have." She replied.

"Really?" Tsukasa raised an eyebrow.

Emu crossed her arms and sighed.

"Yes, really. No one has ever truly made me feel this way. Everyone just seems to treat me as a celebrity."

"So what do I make you feel?" Tsukasa asked.

His words caught her by surprise. He looked at her directly. For the first time, she didn't see him as his wild idol self, but just Tsukasa. His true self, kind, caring, thoughtful.

His question caught her off guard. She had never thought about it before. But as she stared into his eyes, she knew the answer.

"You make me feel seen."

"I make you feel seen?" Tsukasa cocked his head, surprised by this answer. He was used to people fawning over him. But Emu, she seemed different than the rest. To him, she didn't care about his celeb status. She only saw the human beneath the mask.

"Yes," she replied. "You see me for me. Not just an idol. No one else has ever really seen me, just the side I show to fans and cameras."

Tsukasa thought about her words. He was usually the one being seen, the one giving others attention, all the praise. Nobody ever stopped to see the person behind the wild and crazy exterior. But Emu was different.

Tsukasa shifted his chair, now sitting more up right. His smile widened at the realization. Here he was, looking for some large adoring crowd who'd worship him, only to realize the only person whose praise mattered was the girl right in front of him.

"Hey Emu?" Tsukasa said tentatively.

The girl didn't even turn to look at him. She was still trying to get the courage to admit her feelings to herself, let alone to him.

"Yes?" She replied, not looking up, but still hearing his voice clearly.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yes, of course." She replied.

Tsukasa took a deep breath, unsure of how to say what he was feeling. He looked back at her, searching for the right words. Finally he decided to be straight forward.

"I think I have feelings for you."

Emu suddenly stopped what she was doing and looked up at Tsukasa. She was speechless, her face turning red with surprise. She had never expected him to say something like that to her.

"Really?" She squeaked out, her voice a shaky mess as the butterflies in her stomach danced wildly.

Tsukasa smiled at her reaction. He wasn't sure what he was feeling either, but he felt a deep warmth inside him when he looked at her. Maybe this was what love felt like.

"Yes." Tsukasa replied. "And the more time we spend together the more I feel that way about you."

Emu was stunned at his words. The two had been spending time together for a few weeks now, but she never expected him to admit to having feelings for her.

"I think I feel the same way." She replied as her heart leapt in her chest.

Tsukasa smiled wide at her words, the feeling of elation washing over him.

"So... this means..." he paused, trying to find the right way to ask.

Emu tilted her head curiously, understanding what he wanted to ask.

"Would you be... my girlfriend?" He finally asked, his face turning red in embarrassment.

Emu could only smile as the question registered in her brain.

Tsukasa wanted her to be his girlfriend, she couldn't believe it. She had always considered him to be out of her league, but now he was asking to be with her as his girlfriend.

She quickly replied before he could change his mind.

"YES!" She shouted, causing Tsukasa to jump a bit and then she tackled Tsukasa in a hug causing both of them to fall onto the floor.

Tsukasa grinned, a huge smile spreading across his face despite being taken aback by the sudden hug.

"So... we are boyfriend and girlfriend now?" He asked, wanting to make sure that this was not just some kind of mirage.

"Yes, we are!" She replied, smiling back at her new boyfriend, feeling the butterflies in her stomach.

Tsukasa leaned forward and gently placed a kiss on her cheek. Emu couldn't help but beam, her eyes filled with joy as she finally felt seen.

The two held each other in the hug. They were no longer just two famous people, instead they were two people in love. No fame, no glory, no crowds. Just the peace and warmth of each other. It was a beautiful, simple, moment. A moment that they both cherished.



ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

(c.ai made this so ooc i had to change a lot of words in here :') so i hope you liked it? I know it is pretty bad but i tried my best!)

Emukasa thingsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें