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(Listen to Cinnamon Girl by Lana Del Rey)

The last time I lost was when I was ten years old and since I lost I was punished. I still remember that cold night when my uncle locked me in a dark room. There were insects in that room, and I wasn't allowed to eat anything for two days straight.

It surely was one of the worst nights in my life but after that, I never lost because that fear of losing and getting punished made me win every single battle, be it a small or a big war. I won each.

The hooting sound of the owls from those nights is still audible to me, and sometimes I still feel the coldness from that night creeping into my skin but not more than her warm lifeless body that I was holding in my arms.

I hated my father for not protecting me and Damien too. That bastard's father treated him like he wasn't his son. Luckily, the father decided to keep mother away from this dark world, or maybe it was Uncle's order but who cares? I was always told to remove every kind of emotion from my body and soul, my uncle said that it was important and that way only I would get power to rule the world.

Life never did justice to me, so I decided to do justice all by myself and now there's no turning back. All those nights when I was starved to death, when I was on the urge to pass out and all those whip marks that have faded but are still alive under my skin, make me want to win everything, and maybe they are the reason why I am powerful.

My gaze fell on the car that just passed by. It was Ranvi. I accelerated the car, but the scene from that evening lingers in my mind. Ranvi might smile, and keep on grinning in front of her family, she might hold her sister's hand in her hand, but when there's no one around her, she would cry.

She would cry as if her sister would wake up and console her, telling her that it was not her fault. Ranvi has been visiting a psychiatrist recently with the hope of calming herself but sometimes, it's not a therapist who helps us but us, we need to get rid of the root that causes us pain.

"Please don't do this to me, I-i am scared. I-i am s-scared. Don't d-do this."

Her sentence and her face from that evening have been running in my brain. 'I am scared' might be a small sentence, but why do I still feel that clench in my chest from that evening? Ranvi was scared that evening, but it's not my concern, my concern for now is..why did I stop breathing when she said she was scared? And when she said she'd die, I stopped breathing. I never felt like this before.

Meeting Ranvi was a coincidence, it wasn't our fate, but this woman with blue addictive eyes decided to make this as her destiny and now that she has decided to do this, I am not letting her step out of my territory.

Ranvi: his flow of life| 18+ (Duet #01)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin