An Excruciating War

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There's a war raging within myself,
A war between me and my alter-ego...
I'm surrounded by benevolent people,
yet I feel so vulnerable...

After winning countless battles,
I am flunking in this ultimate war...
After so many battle victories,
I can see my collapse on this battlefield...

My defeat is riding towards me...
About to end my long, remarkable, & eventful reign...
I'm wounded, scarred & scathed...
Maybe now I can finally rest for a while...

I can see the bloodied, shiny piece...
Made out of Damascus steel,
About to strike my torso,
About to end my reign once and for all...

I close my eyes in peace,
All of a sudden, I hear a whooshing sound...
After which followed a thud,
Blood splashes all across my face...

An arrow had pierced the eye of my defeat,
My army is ready to face the enemy,
No matter, who prevails in this bloodbath,
Even if, it's the last night of my life...

I will fight with all my might...
I will fight with all my might...

- Sudhit Yadav

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