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It's a group of men, fighting and keep moving to live, striving for life. Achieving their own difficulties, ambition and dreams. Everyone and each of them have their own happiness and tragic story to tell.

A past they want to forget.

A pain they want to ignore, the pain that killing and eating them alive.

A secret they never want to reveal, and keep hiding.

A scar that never never disappear, engraving in their soul.

A love they want to erase forever, or a kind of love they want to keep or to get back.

A loneliness and emptiness in their heart they're trying to set aside.

A revenge they won't stop seeking even if it's costs them their lives.

And a goal they want to achieve by hook or by crook.


Let's start with the story of a man who force to get separated from his family by his evil, greedy grandfather.

BIG SHOT LEIGHDON; Love Me, Please (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now