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This is one of my draft stories
There will be some mistakes.
Anyway here is any information you need to know, it may or may not be updated in the near future


Name: [M/N] Fluttershy

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: half pegasus and half human

Appearance: However you like

Dorm: Read to find out ;)

Hobbies: music, animals, fashion, and helping others. In addition to helping conduct a chorus of his bird friends, [M/N] himself is a talented singer, though his shyness often prevents him from displaying talents. He's good at tech designs and plans. He once built an automatic water fountain for his cats.

He has social anxiety. He has a hard time communicating with others which causes him to studder a lot. He doesn't feel comfortable around a lot of people. He's shy because [M/N] is scared someone will make fun of him. emotionally, he is the most admirable character - gentle, considerate, kind, and loyal.[M/N] has a problem with avoidant behavior in the beginning. He just couldn't make himself do certain things unless he absolutely HAD TO if it involved leaving his comfort zone. Not ASD, but definitely some level of Social Phobia/Anxiety.[M/N] is extremely sensitive and usually cries whenever his feelings get hurt or for doing something that he deeply regrets such as hurting anyone's feelings. [M/N] has a scent that's warm and comfortable for animals and certain creatures.

Animal Empathy and Communication: He uses this ability in order to provide the animals with food, medical attention and other forms of care when they need it. In addition, a host of animals have taken up residence in his home, which he used to attend to and look after on an everyday basis.

Signature spell:

"𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓮":
His signature spells allow when he makes eye contact with an animal (or creatures like cockroaches and even Familiars) he paralyzes them with fear, He can also control the creature but for a certain amount of time.

<{Shy boy of the Twisted world of Villains}>Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum