Chapter Two

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As I stand under a muscle-relaxing rainfall showerhead, sticky sweat and petty annoyances from rehearsals wash away. The fresh eucalyptus-scented body wash floats within the scalding steam. I close my eyes and succumb to refreshing bliss. If these are the amenities in his guest bedroom, Raz must have a five-star spa in his living quarters.

I noticed how his scent permeated his Manhattan penthouse when I stepped into it. The cool, gentle notes of bergamot and cedarwood greeted my nostrils with the perfect intensity. Floor-to-ceiling walls showcased an unobstructed view of the city's skyscrapers, their lights twinkling in the fading pink sunset. Raz had briefly taken me out on the expansive terrace. Upon stepping on the stone-paved deck, the majestic blue waters of the never-ending infinity pool caught my attention. However, the stomach-churning yet breathtaking panorama of Central Park below left me in awe.

While I may have despised living in New York City for the last six months, there's always a sight to marvel at. Sometimes, it's the most gorgeous person I've ever seen strutting the street with purpose; other times, it's a gang of roaches trying to fight a rat. Whether day or night, I'm constantly astounded by the chaos of this urban jungle. However, today, the city has done its big one, landing me in the crib of Raziel Amador.

Once I finish moisturizing, I slip into the sweatshirt and sweatpants Raz graciously lent me. Due to his height and the width of his shoulders, the fabric hangs loosely on me but still provides a cozy sensation. His alluring scent embeds into the cotton material, whispering for me to take a whiff. I give into temptation, bringing the collar of the burgundy Nike sweatshirt to my nostrils. Sneakily, I steal a few sniffs as if cameras lurk behind the greenery of the decorative plants. My phone buzzes from the marble counter, interrupting my psycho moment.

Florijuana: I thought I told you to call me when you got home...

Florijuana: You know it wouldn't be anything for someone to grab your 4'2 ass and stuff you in the back of a van

Okay, she better watch it with the short jokes.

Florijuana: Wait...I just checked your location...why are you at Razi's place?

I snicker as Flori keeps typing and backspacing, bubbles appearing and disappearing rapidly.

Me: Chill out. He invited me for dinner.

Florijuana: Oh, but you said 'no' to me and the love of my life? I see how it is...

Me: Girl, stop being dramatic. I'd get in my feelings if I had dinner with you and Niko. Y'all make a bitch wish she was in love and whatnot. Speaking of love, Raz claimed he has a crush on me??? Has he told you that?

Being (Trans)essence's lead guitarist for years, Flori and Raz have a deep bond. While our friendship dynamics are separate and barely ever intersect, our mutual friend could be a beneficial resource to see how genuine my admirer's intentions are.

Florijuana: He hasn't mentioned a crush, but he has asked "what's up" with you. Soul, Ari, and I told him to man up and see for himself rather than asking us. I see my guy finally hit you with the rizz.

Florian Outlaw, Arsenio Knight, and Jazara Amador are the holy trinity that creates my elite posse. My comrades' distinct traits add flavor and value to my everyday life. When I'm down and out and desire an unwavering shoulder to cry on, I lean on Flori. If I'm ignoring my intuition and require a physical person to bluntly and humorously drive me back on course, I allow Ari to rip me into threads until I become anew. Lastly, Jazz...I love the girl to pieces, but she's not the type of bestie you go to for advice—unless you want a half-assed judgmental opinion. However, she makes up for her downfalls with her endless list of industry connections and by being the "Bitch, fuck that! Let's get lit!" friend.

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